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环球网校·2016-08-18 11:56:37浏览293 收藏146
摘要   【摘要】环球网校提醒:2017年MBA考试已进入备考阶段。根据学员对MBA考研英语备考问题的反馈,同时为进一步加深大家对MBA考研相关信息的了解,环球网校老师为大家整理了2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8 18,希



  Text 1

  Not long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed. The caller was a parent saying, “your child is bullying my child, and I want it stopped!” The bully's parent replied, “you must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel.”

  A trillion phone calls later, the conversation is the same. When children are teased or tyrannized, the parental impulse is to grab the phone and rant. But these days, as studies in the U.S. show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever. Such calls often lead to playground recriminations and don't really teach our kids any lessons about how to navigate the world and resolve conflicts.(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)

  When you call parents, you want them to “extract the cruelty” from their bullying children, says Laura Kavesh, a child psychologist in Evanston, Illinois. “But many parents are blown away by the idea of their child being cruel. They won?t believe it.” In a recent police?department survey in Oak Harbor, Washington, 89% of local high school students said they had engaged in bullying behavior. Yet only 18% of parents thought their children would act as bullies.

  In a new U.S.PTA survey, 5% of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying. But many educators warn that those conversations can be misinterpreted, causing tempers to flare. Instead, they say, parents should get objective outsiders, like principals, to mediate.

  Meanwhile, if you get a call from a parent who is angry about your child's bullying, listen without getting defensive. That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy's food.Her son had confessed, but the victim's mom “wanted to make sure my son hadn't given her son a nasty disease,” says McHugh, who apologized and promised to get her son tested for AIDS and other diseases. She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHugh's son that his bad behaviour was being taken seriously. McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results. All were negative.

  Remember: once you make a call, you might not like what you hear. If you have an itchy dialing finger, resist temptation. Put it in your pocket. [419 words]

  1.The word “bullying” probably means______.

  [A] frightening and hurting [B] teasing

  [C] behaving like a tyrant [D] laughing at(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)

  2. Calling to a bully's parent.______.

  [A]has long existed but changed its content [B]is often done with careful thinking

  [C]often leads to blaming and misunderstanding [D]is used to warn the child not to do it again

  3. According to the surveys in the U.S., _______.

  [A] bullying among adults is also rising

  [B] parents are not supervising their children well

  [C] parents seldom believe bullies

  [D] most parents resort to calling to deal with bullying

  4. When bullying occurs, parents should_______.

  [A] help the bulling child get rid of cruelty [B] resort to the mediator

  [C] avoid getting too protective [D] resist the temptation of calling

  5.Laura McHugh promised to get the bullied boy tested for diseases because________.

  [A] her son confessed to being wrong [B] she was afraid to annoy the boy's parent

  [C]he was likely to be affected by these diseases[D]she wanted to teach her own son a lesson













  1. 单词bullying可能的含义是________。

  [A] 恐吓和伤害 [B] 取笑 [C] 表现得像暴君一样 [D] 嘲笑

  [精解] 答案A本题考查根据上下文猜测词义。文章首段双方家长的对话中出现的“bullying my child”与“My child is a little angel”相互对照,说明 bullying是坏孩子的行为。第三段中提到打电话的目的是“想让对方改掉他们孩子的残忍行为”,cruelty一词说明了bullying的特点。此外第五段给出了bullying的具体事例:把痰吐到另外一个孩子的饭里。因此可推知[A]项“恐吓伤害”为正确答案。[B]项虽然出现在第二段中,[D]项与其近义,但却都只是其中一种形式,不足以概括所有的行为。[C]项含义不正确。(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)

  2. 打电话给恃强欺弱者的父母________。

  [A] (这种做法)长期存在但内容有了改变 [B] 经常是通过仔细考虑后才做

  [C] 常常导致责备和误解 [D] 被用来警告这个孩子不要再做

  [精解] 答案C本题考查事实细节。第一段提到,打电话给恃强欺弱者的父母的做法自有电话以来就长期存在了。第二段首句提到,这样的电话不计其数,但谈话内容却一样。由此排除[A]项。第二段第二句提到,冲动的父母抓起电话,大声抱怨。排除[B]项。第二段末句提到,这样的电话常常只导致责备;第四段第二句提到,老师指出它可能会被误解,使对方勃然大怒。由此可知[C]项正确。[D]项未提。

  3. 根据美国的调查表明,______。

  [A] 成人中的恃强欺弱现象也在增加 [B] 父母没有很好地看管他们的孩子

  [C] 父母很少相信恃强欺弱者 [D] 大部分父母打电话解决恃强欺弱问题

  [精解] 答案B本题考查事实细节。第二段第三句提到,研究表明恃强欺弱现象增加,父母看管减少,因此[B]项正确,[A]项无从得知。第三段最后用数据说明,父母很少相信自己的孩子会恃强欺弱。[C]项换成了不相信恃强欺弱者本身,错误。第四段首句提到,研究表明5%的父母支持找家长解决恃强欺弱问题。[D]项错在most(大部分),与事实不符。

  4. 当恃强欺弱问题发生时,父母应该_______。

  [A] 帮助恃强欺弱的孩子改掉残忍的行为 [B] 求助调停者的帮助

  [C] 避免变得太过自我保护 [D] 抵挡打电话的诱惑

  [精解] 答案B本题考查作者观点。第三段首句提到,受欺负的孩子的家长打电话是希望对方家长能改正其孩子恃强欺弱的毛病。可见,[A]项并不是作者的观点。第五段首句提到,接到电话的家长不要自我保护。第六段提到,如果你想拨电话,一定要忍住诱惑。显然[C]和[D]项是分别针对“接到电话”和“打电话”的家长而言的。只有[B]项在第四段提到,是教育者对双方家长给出的建议,因此也是作者同意的观点。

  5. 劳拉•麦休许诺让受到欺负的孩子做疾病测试是因为_________。

  [A] 她儿子承认他错了 [B] 她害怕惹怒男孩的家长

  [C] 他可能会被这些疾病感染 [D] 她想给儿子一个教训

  [精解] 答案D本题考查第五段的细节。该段举例说明应如何正确对待一位愤怒的家长的电话。该段倒数第三句提到,麦休许诺让受欺负的孩子做疾病测试,不仅让其母亲平静下来,也让自己的儿子知道父母是非常严肃地对待他的恶劣行为。由此可知[D]项正确。












  Text 2

  “I've never met a human worth cloning,” says cloning expert Mark Westhusin from the cramped confines of his lab at Texas A&M University. “It's a stupid endeavor.” That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy. So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two calves and expect to clone a cat soon. They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year—or perhaps not for another five years. It seems the reproductive system of man's best friend is one of the mysteries of modern science.(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)

  Westhusin's experience with cloning animals leaves him vexed by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missyplicity project, using hundreds upon hundreds of canine eggs, the A&M team has produced only a dozen or so embryos carrying Missy's DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate mother. The wastage of eggs and the many spontaneously aborted fetuses may be acceptable when you're dealing with cats or bulls, he argues, but not with humans. “Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous,” he says.

  Even so, dog cloning is a commercial opportunity, with a nice research payoff. Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone at A&M College of Veterinary Medicine has been ringing busily. Cost is no obstacle for customers like Missy's mysterious owner, who wishes to remain unknown to protect his privacy. He's plopped down $3.7 million so far to fund the research because he wants a twin to carry on Missy?s fine qualities after she dies. But he knows her clone may not have her temperament. In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”

  The fate of the dog samples will depend on Westhusin's work. He knows that even if he gets a dog viably pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems. “Why would you ever want to clone humans,” Westhusin asks, “when we?re not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?” [397 words]

  6. Mr. Westhusin thinks cloning is dangerous because_____ .

  [A] animals are tortured to death in the experiments

  [B]the public has expressed strong disapproval

  [C] too many lives are wasted for laboratory use

  [D] cloning becomes a quest only for profit

  7. What is the problem confronting the Missyplicity project?

  [A] The client holds a suspicious view toward it.

  [B] There is a lack of funds to support the research.

  [C] The owner is unwilling to disclose the information.

  [D] Cloning dogs is a difficult biological problem.

  8. Which of the following is true about animal cloning?

  [A]Few private cloning companies could afford it

  [B]Few people have realized its significance.

  [C] An exact copy of a cat or bull can be made.

  [D] It is becoming a prosperous industry.

  9. From the passage we can infer that _____.

  [A] Mr. Westhusin is going to clone a dog soon

  [B] scientists are pessimistic about human cloning

  [C] human reproductive system has not been understood

  [D] rich people are only interested in cloning animals

  10. Mr. Westhusin seems to believe that cloning______.

  [A] is stupid and should be abandoned [B] has been close to success

  [C] should be taken cautiously [D] is now in a dilemma














  [A] 实验中的动物被折磨至死 [B] 公众表达了强烈的不满

  [C] 实验浪费了很多生命 [D] 克隆成为仅仅追求利益的行为

  [精解] 答案C本题考查因果细节。根据题干定位到第二段末“Cloning... also dangerous”。其上文即该段倒数第二句中,威斯苏森先生指出,在猫或牛的克隆试验中,对动物卵的浪费以及许多动物的自然性流产都可以接受,但是克隆人就不行。因此可知,[C]是“危险”的真正含义。[A]中torture(折磨)一词无从推知;[B]项文中未提及;第三段首句虽然提到,狗的克隆有很大的商机,但不能由此推出[D]正确。(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)


  [A] 客户对它持怀疑态度。 [B] 没有足够的资金支持这项研究。

  [C] 狗的主人不愿意透漏信息。[D] 狗的克隆是一个生物难题。

  [精解] 答案D本题考查事实细节。题干中the Missyplicity project指克隆一只名叫密斯的狗的项目。第一段倒数第二句指出,克隆密斯可能成功也可能失败。该段最后一句解释其原因是:狗的生殖系统似乎是现代科学中一个神秘的领域。因此[D]为正确项。



  [A] 很少有私人克隆公司能够承担。 [B] 很少有人意识到它的意义。

  [C] 可以制造出与猫或牛一模一样的复制品。[D] 它正成为一个欣欣向荣的产业。

  [精解] 答案D本题考查事实细节。第三段首句提到,克隆狗是能带来丰厚科研报酬的商机。下文无论是提到动医学院频繁接到的电话,还是举出一掷千金想克隆爱犬的富人的例子都是为了说明首句的观点。因此[D]正确。



  [A] 威斯苏森很快将克隆出一只狗[B] 科学家对克隆人持悲观态度

  [C] 人类的生殖系统还没有被了解[D] 富有的人只对克隆动物感兴趣

  [精解] 答案B本题考查推理。文章一开始就引用老师威斯苏森的话,指出克隆人是愚蠢的尝试。第二段最后两句提到,克隆实验的低效性和危险性在克隆人中不可接受。文章末尾再次引用该老师的话,指出现在动物的研究还没成功,没有必要想到克隆人。由此可见以威斯苏森为代表的科学家对克隆人是持悲观态度的。[B]为正确项。



  [A] 是愚蠢的,应该被放弃[B] 已经接近成功

  [C] 应该谨慎对待 [D] 现在正处于进退维谷的境地

  [精解] 答案C本题考查文中人物观点。注意题干问的是“克隆”,它包括了克隆人和克隆动物两个方面。第二段末句中,威斯苏森先生强调了克隆的低效性和危险性;文末他又指出,克隆动物的研究还没有接近成功时,更别提克隆人。因此,[C]概括了他对于克隆的整体态度。

  文章第二句出现的a stupid endeavor是威斯苏森先生对克隆人的看法,不包括克隆动物,因此排除[A]。[B]与文章末句not yet close to getting it worked out相矛盾。从第二段倒数第二句可知,威斯苏森先生对于克隆动物是默许的,并不认为克隆处于进退维谷的境地,排除[D]。












  Text 3

  The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, making all men neighbours, cannot be extended into space. It will never be possible to converse with anyone on another planet. Even with today's radio equipment, the messages will take minutes—sometimes hours—on their journey, because radio and light waves travel at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second.

  Twenty years from now you will be able to listen to a friend on Mars, but the words you hear will have left his mouth at least three minutes earlier, and your reply will take a corresponding time to reach him. In such circumstances, an exchange of verbal messages is possible—but not a conversation.

  To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this “time barrier” may have a profound psychological impact. It will be a perpetual reminder of universal laws and limitations against which not all our technology can ever prevail. For it seems as certain as anything can be that no signal—still less any material object—can ever travel faster than light.(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)

  The velocity of light is the ultimate speed limit, being part of the very structure of space and time. Within the narrow confines of the solar system, it will not handicap us too severely. At the worst, these will amount to twenty hours—the time it takes a radio signal to span the orbit of Pluto, the outer-most planet.

  It is when we move out beyond the confines of the solar system that we come face to face with an altogether new order of cosmic reality. Even today, many otherwise educated men—like those savages who can count to three but lump together all numbers beyond four—cannot grasp the profound distinction between solar and stellar space. The first is the space enclosing our neighbouring worlds, the planets; the second is that which embraces those distant suns, the stars, and it is literally millions of times greater. There is no such abrupt change of scale in the terrestrial affairs.

  Many conservative scientists, appalled by these cosmic gulfs, have denied that they can ever be crossed. Some people never learn; those who sixty years ago scoffed at the possibility of flight, and ten years ago laughed at the idea of travel to the planets, are now quite sure that the stars will always be beyond our reach. And again they are wrong, for they have failed to grasp the great lesson of our age—that if something is possible in theory, and no fundamental scientific laws oppose its realization, then sooner or later it will be achieved.

  One day we shall discover a really efficient means of propelling our space vehicles. Every technical device is always developed to its limit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of light. They will never reach that goal, but they will get very near it. And then the nearest star will be less than five years voyaging from the earth.[514 words]

  11.For light to travel across the solar system, it will take_______.

  [A] a year [B] nearly a day [C] two months [D] thirty minutes

  12.The fact that it will never be possible to converse with someone on another planet shows that________

  [A] radio messages do not travel fast enough

  [B] no object can ever travel faster than light

  [C] western culture has a special idea of communication

  [D] certain universal laws cannot be prevailed against

  13.Confronted with the new order of cosmic reality, many educated men________.

  [A] become ignorant savage again [B] find the “time barrier” unbearable

  [C] will not combine solar and stellar space[D] cannot adapt to the abrupt change of scale

  14.Conservative scientists who deny that cosmic gulfs can ever be crossed will________

  [A] laugh at the very idea of flight [B] learn a lesson as they did ten years ago

  [C] find space travel beyond their reach[D] oppose the fundamental scientific laws

  15.The author of the passage intends to show__________.

  [A] the limitations of our technology [B] the vastness of the cosmic reality

  [C] the prospect of planetary travel [D] the psychological impact of time and space














  [A] 一年。 [B] 将近一天。 [C] 两个月。 [D] 30分钟。

  [精解] 答案B本题考查考生的数字推理能力。原文中没有直接的回答,但是第一段末句指出:“无线电和光的传播速度相同。”第四段最后一句又指出,无线电传到太阳系中最远的冥王星,要20小时。所以[B]项正确。


  [A] 无线电的传播速度不够快 [B] 没有物体能比光的速度快

  [C] 西方文化有特别的交流观念[D] 某些普遍规律不能被战胜(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)

  [精解] 答案A本题考查事实细节。第一段后两句指出,“永远不可能和另一个星球人进行对话。即使有今天的无线电设备,信息传播也需要好几分钟,甚至好几个小时,因为无线电和光波都是以有限速度传播。”第二段中举了一个和火星人交流的例子,得出的结论是:“交换语言信息是可能的,但是不可能对话。”[A]项指的是传播速度的限制,为正确项。[B]是第三段末句的改写,是事实,但它与无法实现星际对话没有必然的联系。[C]项在第三段提到,但“认为即刻交流是理所当然的文化”是人思维局限的表现,而“人无法和另外一个星球的人进行对话”是自然规律事实,后者不能表明前者。该段也提到,“时间的局限性”(即无法和外星人进行对话)提醒我们不是所有的技术都能战胜普遍规律和限制,因此这里说明的是“技术的局限性”,而不是[D]项中的“规律的不可战胜性”。


  [A] 又变成无知的野人 [B] 发现“时间局限性”不可容忍

  [C] 将不会把太阳系和恒星系结合起来[D] 不能适应这种突然的大规模的变化

  [精解] 答案D本题考查事实细节。文章第五段第二句提到,“许多在别的方面受过教育的人,像只能数到三的野人,无法明白太阳系和恒星系的巨大不同。……(后者比前者)确实大几百万倍,地球上的事物在规模上没有这样巨大的变化。”可见,他们无法适应如此巨大的规模变化,选择[D]。[A]项拘泥于字面含义,没有理解文中举出“野人”只是为了说明那些受过教育的人在变化面前的无知,而不是真的变成了野人。[B]项文中未提,[C]项中“结合”应换成“区分”,才符合文意。


  [A] 嘲笑飞行的想法 [B] 像10年前一样吸取教训

  [C] 发现太空旅行非他们所能及[D] 反对基本的科学规律

  [精解] 答案C本题考查事实细节。倒数第二段谈到这些保守科学家时,作者指出:“一些人从来不吸取教训;他们60年前怀疑飞行的可能性,10年前耻笑飞往其他行星的想法,现在又满有把握地说恒星是我们永远不能及的。”据此,最为相近的答案应该是[C]。


  [A] 我们技术的局限性 [B] 宇宙现实的广阔性

  [C] 星际旅行的前景 [D] 时间和空间对心理上的影响(环球网校2017年MBA英语阅读模拟题练习8.18)

  [精解] 答案C本题考查写作目的。综观全文,作者从无线电和光速谈起,批评了很多持保守态度的人,进而论证人类终将跨越宇宙鸿沟。文章最后描述未来星际旅行标志了人类跨越宇宙鸿沟的实现。可见,[C]是作者要说明的问题。












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