短信预约 BEC商务英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2021-05-26 13:22:56浏览33 收藏9
摘要 2021年BEC商务英语上半年初级和高级考试都已经结束,参加中级的考生还在努力备考,为了帮助考生更好的备考,环球网校小编整理了“2021年BEC商务英语中级重点单词练习一”文章,希望能给备考的考生带来帮助。


2021年BEC商务英语上半年中级考试时间为5月29日,也就是本周六,考生们都准备的怎么样了?虽然考试已经到了最后的冲刺阶段,环球网校小编还是提醒各位考生不要紧张,轻松应考,并建议考生 免费预约短信提醒服务,我们会在2021年商务英语考试时间、成绩查询、证书领取节点前短信提醒您,以防您错过!


Rank /ræŋk/ noun&verb

可以是级别,也可以译为排列、 把…分等级,详情请看下边

rank noun | a position in an organization, such as the army, showing someone's importance

1.senior / high / junior / low rank

2.He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.

rank verb | to have a position in a list which shows things or people in order of importance, or to give someone or something a position on such a list

1.He ranked number one in the world at the start of the competition.

2.The city's canals now rank among the world's dirtiest.

Strike /straɪk/


Nouns: strike, striker

Adjectives: striking

Verbs: strike

strike noun | a period of time when people are not working because they want more money, better working conditions, etc.

1.The city's bus drivers have been on strike for three weeks.

2.a teachers' strike

strike (HIT) | to hit someone or something

1.Two climbers were struck by falling rocks.

2.His car went out of control and struck a tree.

3.I've never heard of anyone being struck by lightning.

strike (THINK) | If a thought or idea strikes you, you suddenly think of it.

1.It struck me that I had forgotten to order the champagne.

what struck me/the first thing that struck me... | used when talking about a very obvious quality that you noticed when you first saw or met someone or something

1.What struck me about Cole was how grown-up he seemed for a seven-year-old.

2.The first thing that struck me about Emma was her extraordinary beauty.

strike (STOP WORK) | to stop working for a period of time because you want more money, better working conditions, etc.

1.Train drivers are threatening to strike over pay.

strike a balance | to give two things the same amount of attention

1.It's important to strike a balance between spending and saving.

strike sb as sth | If someone or something strikes you as having a particular quality, they seem to have that quality.

1.He didn't strike me as a passionate man.

2.They strike me as creative and original people.

3.His comments struck me as aggressive.

strike (EFFECT) | If something bad strikes something or someone, it affects them strongly and quickly.

1.The hurricane struck the coast at about eight in the morning.

occupation /ˌɒk.jəˈpeɪ.ʃən/ noun


occupation (JOB) | your job

1.You have to give your name, age and occupation on the application form.

occupation (HOBBY) | something that you do in your free time

1.He has a few occupations, such as gardening and woodwork.

occupation (CONTROL) | when an army moves into a place and takes control of it

1.a military occupation




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