短信预约 成人英语三级考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2020-03-11 09:25:00浏览33 收藏13
摘要 年轻的我们,有的是力量去奋斗!只要大家认真复习,相信大家都能顺利通过考试的,成人学位英语考试高频词汇十,赶快练起来吧。



1、abroad adv. 到(在)国外

【搭配】from abroad 从国外回来;go abroad 到国外去


如:She often goes abroad on business.她经常到国外出差。

【辨析】abroad, aboard, broad 和board

单词 意思 例句

abroad adv. 在国外或海外 He often goes abroad.

aboard adv. 在船(或飞机,车)上

broad adj. 宽广的 He has very broad shoulders.

board v. 上(船,飞机,车) The passengers are boarding the plane now.

2、accept v. 接受

【辨析】accept 和receive:accept 表示“接受”,而receive 表示“接到,收到”。

如:I received an invitation yesterday, but I didn’t accept it.

『例』(1)He is an honest official and never B any gifts from people who sought his help.

A. received B. accepted C. expected D. took up

『解析』句意:他是一个诚实的军官,从来不接受任何向他求助的人的礼物。expect 期望;take up 开


(2)So far(迄今为止) I haven’t A any instructions as to(关于) what to do next.

A. received B. accepted C. achieved D. recovered

『解析』句意:迄今为止,我没有收到下一步工作的指令。achieve 获得;recover 恢复。

3、accident n. 意外或偶然发生的事故

【搭配】by accident 偶然地(= by chance)

【辨析】accident, incident 和event



如:There have been fewer traffic accidents lately. 最近很少发生交通事故。



如:Were there any excitingincidents during your journey? 旅行中有什么惊喜吗?


event 事,时局。

如:Which events have you entered for? 你参加了什么项目?

『例』 C of cheating customers with false goods should no longer exist.

A. Events B. Accidents C. Incidents D. Happenings


4、accuse v. 指责,指控

【搭配】accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人某事

【辨析】accuse, charge 和sue:三个单词都有“指责,指控”的意思,但与之搭配的介词不同。

accuse sb. of sth. 如:His boss accused him of carelessness.

charge sb. with sth. 如:The policecharged the driver with reckless driving.

sue sb. for sth. 如:Smithsued his neighbor for damaging his house.

『例』(1)The customer accused the cook C using canned potatoes.

A. for B. with C. of D. against


(2)He was accused C stealing from the shop.

A. with B. in C. of D. at


(3)The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and B him of speeding.

A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. deprived

『解析』句意:警察把他拦下,指控他超速驾驶。charge sb. with 指控某人;blame sb. for 为某事责备

某人;deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某事。



5、acquire v. 取得,获得

【辨析】acquire, require 和 inquire

acquire 取得;获得;学到(知识等) 如:acquire knowledge 获得知识

inquire 打听,询问 如:inquire a person’s name 问一个人的姓名

require 需要 如:We require more help.我们需要更多的帮助。

『例』Mr. Smith gradually D a knowledge of the subject.

A. attained B. achieved C. required D. acquired

『解析』句意:Smith 先生逐渐获得了关于这门课的知识。achieve 取得(胜利、成功等),实现(目标、目

的等);attain 达到(目的等),取得(成就等)。

6、act n. 行为,动作;v. 行为,举动

【搭配】act on 按照…行事

【辨析】act, action 和deed

动作,行为。一般强调一个具体的、简单act 的动作。常用短语:put on an act 装腔作势

如:Act, not words, is what we need. 行动,而非空话,才是我们所需要的。

行动,行为。与act 同义,但多指抽象、反复性行为。常用词语:take action 采取行动


如:Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过言辞。

n. 行为,事迹。一般指永久性行为及其结果,特别是好的行为和事迹。

deed 常用短语:in name, but not in deed 有名无实

如:Lei feng's deeds will live forever. 雷锋的事迹将流芳百世。

『例』(1)You should act B the advice of your doctor.

A.to B. on C. at D. as


(2)We all know that D speak louder than words.

A.movements B.performances C.operations D.actions

『解析』句意:我们都知道行动胜过言辞。movement 运动;performance 表现,表演;operation 操作,


7、addition n. 加;增加;加法

【辨析】in addition 和in addition to



in addition 是一介词短语,作副词用,相当于词组as well,其后不能跟名词或其他任何成分,一般位于


如:There are many shops around the railway station. In addition, there are some newly-built hotels


in addition to 是一短语介词,其后接名词或代词等作其宾语,意义大体相当as well as 和 besides。

如:In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.

8、adopt v. 收养,采纳,采用

【辨析】adopt 和 adapt

adopt:①收养。如:Since they have no children, they decided to adopt a little girl.

②采纳,采用。如:He adopted our suggestion.

adapt:使适应(用于短语adapt sb. to sth.)。如:I have adapted myself to the college life.

『例』As they haven’t a child of their own, they’re going to D a little girl.

A. accept B. receive C. adapt D. adopt


9、advise v. 建议

【搭配】advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事;advise doing sth. 建议做某事

【注意】后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do 的形式。

【辨析】advise sb. to do sth. persuade sb. to do sth. 和try to persuade sb. to do sth.


advise sb. to do sth.

如:She advised her parents to give up smoking, but they wouldn’t listen.




persuade sb. to do “说服某人干某事”,其结果是成功的。

sth. 如:Tom persuaded his father to give up smoking at last. 汤姆终于说服


try to persuade sb. “尽力说服某人干某事”,相当于advise sb.to do sth。

to do sth. 如:I tried to persuade him to continue his study, but I failed. 我尽力


10、affect v. 影响

【辨析】affect 和effect

affect 影响(动词),如: Smoking affects health.

effect 效果,影响(名词),如:Government policy will not have any effect on us.

【短语】have effect on sth. 对…有影响,对…起作用;cause and effect 因果关系

『例』(1)The disease C his mind so that he lost his memory.

A. effected B. impressed C. affected D. hurt


(2)Once out of the earth’s gravity, the astronaut is A by the problem of weightlessness.

A. affected B. effected C. inclined D. reflected

『解析』句意:一旦失去了地球的重力,宇航员将会受到失重的影响。incline 有…倾向;reflect 反映,


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