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环球网校·2020-01-19 17:55:04浏览89 收藏44
摘要 环球网校银行招聘频道持续为广大考生提供五大行、股份制银行、城市商业银行、政策性银行等银行招聘资讯,今日发布《2019中国工商银行社会招聘英语单项选择题练习(四)》具体公告内容如下。更多银行招聘信息请持续关注环球网校。

Passage 1

What, if anything, do we gain by clinging to our antioxidant supplements?

Very little, according to an accumulating body of research. We don’t need massive doses of antioxidants, we need stress to compel our own bodies to create antioxidants. “Everybody thinks oxidation is bad, and that antioxidants are good,” says Dr. Jones, “That’s bogus. A little bit of poison is good.”

That poison can actually come from plants, especially those that have survived harsh conditions. Foods that have survived harsh conditions make us stronger by stressing our bodies, not because they’re rich in antioxidants.

As the science quarterly Nautilus explains, plants have developed an arsenal of chemicals to help them ward off insects and grazers. These “antifeedants,” when ingested by humans, trigger the body to release proteins and activate genes that “produce antioxidants, enzymes to metabolize toxins, proteins to flush out heavy metals, and factors that enhance tumor suppression.”

Plants prepare your body to handle toxins much as exercise prepares you to race — by stressing your body. And supplements, says Dr. Hooper, interrupt this process.

“These antioxidant supplements are like a Trojan horse,” continues Dr. Hooper. “They say, I’m a good guy. You guys go to sleep and while the defense is asleep the antioxidants get rid of any oxidation. It puts the defense-system’s army to sleep.”

While Dr. Hooper acknowledges the benefits of vitamin E for muscle cramps and macular degeneration, he doesn’t approve the idea that it improves one’s physical performance. He suggests that athletes in intense contact sports such as soccer and football benefit from trauma. “Players have to be hit with pads on Tuesdays and Thursdays in order to compete on Sundays — they need that actual trauma,” he says.

“Everything in our society is geared toward, ‘How can we reduce stress?’” adds Dr. Hooper. “Then it should be just the opposite. We need stress. Stress is good.”

1. Which of the following statements is true according to the article?

A. A large amount of antioxidant supplements are not necessary.

B. Plants surviving hard conditions can produce a lot of antioxidant.

C. Oxidation can not do anything good at all to our body.

D. Antioxidant supplements can improve one’s physical performance.

2. What does the underlined word “bogus” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. reasonable B. terrible

C. untrue D. fair

3. How does plant help human body to deal with toxins?

A. By interrupting the toxin creation.

B. By giving body the right stress.

C. By offering body supplements.

D. By putting defense system to sleep.

4. Why is stress good according to Dr. Hooper?

A. It is good for muscle cramps.

B. It goes well with trauma.

C. It is good for macular degeneration.

D. It makes human body stronger.

5. What is the purpose of this article?

A. To correct the misunderstanding of antioxidant supplement.

B. To encourage readers to do more physical exercise.

C. To encourage readers to taken more vitamin E.

D. To inform athletes of the benefits of trauma.


Passage 1

1.【答案】A。解析:细节题。根据第二段We don't need massive doses of antioxidants, we need stress to compel our own bodies to create antioxidants.可知,我们并不需要大量的抗氧化剂,我们需要一些压力让自身产生抗氧化剂,故答案为A。

2.【答案】C。解析:词义猜测题。根据 Everybody thinks oxidation is bad, and that antioxidants are good,” says Dr. Jones, “That’s bogus. A little bit of poison is good.”可知Jones博士认为前面所说的氧化剂不好,抗氧化剂有好处是不正确的,认为一点毒物是有好处的,故答案为C。

3.【答案】B。解析:细节题。根据第四段,trigger ... tumor suppression.可知如果把植物中的抗食素注入人体后,可以使人体产生蛋白质,激活能产生抗氧化剂的基因等等,又根据第五段Plants prepare your body to handle toxins much as exercise prepares you to race — by stressing your body.可知,植物通过给人体适当的压力使其处理毒素。故答案为B。

4.【答案】D。解析:细节题。根据第三段最后一句“Foods that have survived harsh conditions make us stronger by stressing our bodies”可知,一些食物(植物)通过给我们的身体施加一定的压力让我们更强壮,所以压力可以使身体更强壮,这是压力的好处,所以选D。

5.【答案】A。解析:主旨题。根据文章第一二段可知,本文主要说明人类不需要服用大量抗氧化剂,一点毒素对人体有好处,故答案为A。另外,若不确定答案,本题可以从关键词入手,antioxidant一词几乎贯穿于整篇文章,而B项中的exercise只在第五段提到一次;C、D两项中的vitamin E, trauma二词只是在倒数第二段中有提到。根据关键词的频度也可以断定此题答案必然选A。




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