





环球网校·2019-05-19 08:55:01浏览66 收藏13
摘要 小编给大家带来2019年翻译资格考试catti一级笔译备考题目(2),希望对大家有所帮助。






Good health is a prerequisite for promoting all-round development of the person.And it is a common pursuit of human societies to improve people's he alt hand en sure their right to medical care.For China, a large developing country, medical and health care is of vital importance to its population of over 1.3 billion, and is a major issue concerning its people's well being. China pays great attention to protecting and improving its people's health. As the Constitution stipulates, "The state develops medical and health services, promotes modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine..., all for the protection of the people's health." Over the years, China has worked hard to develop its medical and health services with Chinese characteristics in accordance with the policy of "making rural areas the focus of our work, putting disease prevention first, supporting both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, relying on science, technology and education, and mobilizing the whole of society to join the efforts, improving the people's health and serving socialist modernization." Thanks to unremitting efforts that have been made, medical and health care systems covering both urban and rural residents have taken shape, the capabilities of disease prevention and control have been enhanced, the coverage of medical insurance has expanded, continuous progress has been made in medical science and technology,and the people's health has been re mark ably improved. With the quickened pace of the country's industrialization and urbanization, as well as its increasingly aging population, the Chinese people are facing the dual health threats of infectious and chronic diseases, and the public needs better medical and health services. In the meantime, problems still exist regarding China's health resources, especially the shortage of high-quality resources and the unbalanced distribution of those resources. China has arduous tasks a head for reforming and developing its medical and health services.


Good health is a prerequisite for the all-round development of a man.To improve people’s health and ensure their access to health care is a goal being pursued by all societies. Health care, which has a direct bearing on people’s health, is are a l public concern in China,a large developing country with a population of1.3billion. China attaches great importance/pays much attention to protecting and improving people’s health. For example, it has been enshrined in/written into the constitution that for the sake of people’s health, the state has an obligation to develop thehealthcaresystemandpromotemodernmedicineandtraditionalChinese medicine. Over the years, China has been working hard to build a health care system with Chinese characteristics, sticking to the principles of “health service in rural areas being the centerpiece/key part of its effort; disease prevention being putting first; traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine being equally emphasized; science, technology and education being the ways by which the system is created; all members of the society being encouraged to contribute to the system; the system being for the health of the public and China’s socialist modernization ”. After years of relentless efforts, China has basically built a health care system covering both ruraland urban residents and has constantly improved its ability to prevent and cure diseases a swell a sits medical technologies, with medical insurance covering an ever-increasing number of people and people’s health being mark edlyimproved. With the pace of China's industrialization and urbanization accelerating and the population being increasingly aging, the Chinese people are confronted with the dual threat posed by infectious diseases and chronic diseases, for which there’s a great demand for health care service among the public. In the meantime, the problems of the lack of medical resources, high-quality ones in particular and the distribution of medical resources being uneven still persist,which means that China has a daunting task of reforming and improving its health care system.



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