短信预约 MEM考试动态提醒 立即预约





网络整理·2019-11-18 11:02:52浏览13 收藏1
摘要 距离2020年MEM研究生招生考试仅剩30多天,小编温馨提醒您的备考时间已经不多啦。在最后的30多天里大家一定要戒骄戒躁好好冲刺呀,不论是综合还是英语都要按照计划有条不紊地进行,调整好自己的备考节奏,不要轻易被别人影响。以下内容是2020年MEM考试英语长难句解读(五)。

为了方便大家及时掌握2020年MEM考试各个时间,环球网校特地为大家提供 免费预约短信提醒


In 2013, the New Yorker profiled a man suffering from the delusion who attended a Dave Matthews Band concert, believing it was meant to be his show's climax, a grand finale where his father would present him with a check for a million dollars.


In 2013, the New Yorker profiled a man(a)//suffering from the delusion(b)// who attended a Dave Matthews Band concert,(c)//believing(d)// it was meant to be his show's climax, (e)//a grand finale(f)//where his father would present him with a check for a million dollars.(g)


本句的主干为a部分。b部分为非谓语动词结构做后置定语修饰前面的名词a man。c部分为定语从句修饰前面的名词delusion。d部分虽然短,但同样也是非谓语动词结构补充说明a man。e部分为省略了that的宾语从句做believing的宾语。f部分为名词词组做同位语补充说明前面的名词his show’s climax。g部分为where引导的定语从句修饰先行词a grand finale。

a部分profile在2001年的考研英语阅读text5中出现过,但是是做为名词,“a high/low profile”表示“惹人 / 不惹人注目” ,但是在本句中为动词词性,此时意思为“扼要介绍;概述;写简介”,比如“His career is profiled in this month's journal.”(这期月刊概述了他的工作生涯。)

b部分delusion为常见名词,表示“错觉;谬见;妄想 ”。

e部分was meant to中的meant是mean的过去分词形式,同时也可以作为形容词,表示“原本打算的;理应的”,比如“I can't say any more, it's meant to be a big secret...”(我再也无可奉告了,这本是重大的秘密。) f部分finale注意拼写上跟形容词final还是差了一个字母,发音也有很大差别[fɪˈnæli],finale为名词,表示“(演出的)终场,结局;(音乐的)终曲,末乐章”,比如“the rousing finale of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony”(贝多芬第九交响曲激动人心的末乐章)




(翻译该句的时候,将b部分的后置定语提前到a man(一个人)所修饰词之前。除此之外,g部分同理要前置到所修饰的先行词a grand finale(压轴之作)之前,其他部分从头到尾按照顺序翻译即可。)


In 2013, the New Yorker profiled a man suffering from the delusion who attended a Dave Matthews Band concert, believing it was meant to be his show's climax, a grand finale where his father would present him with a check for a million dollars. "Often people will believe that when their show ends, they'll be rewarded," Gold explains. "There will be this bid reveal, and all their friends and family- their true friends and family-will be waiting for them." By the time The Truman Show turned 15, in 2013, the rise of both social media and government surveillance had made its central anxiety seem reasonable. "Putting this delusion aside, the notion that we're all watching one another has come to fruition," says Gold, who has left Bellevue for a private practive but is still contacted every month (if not week) by new patients describing the delusion.



以上就是2020年MEM考试英语长难句解读(五)的全部内容。2020年MEM考试初试时间为2019年12月21日上午8:30-11:30,下午14:00-17:00,初试科目为12月21日上午管理类联考综合能力(满分200分),下午英语二(满分100分)。为了方便大家及时掌握MEM考试各个时间,环球网校特地为大家提供 免费预约短信提醒。大家现在就可以按照考试时间进行模考了哦,这样在考场上才会更加得心应手呀。环球网校友情提示:更多2020MEM考研各科目精华复习备考资料、MEM考研英语5500考纲词汇,面试精要请点击文章下方“免费下载”按钮免费下载学习。



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