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环球网校·2018-07-17 17:11:33浏览128 收藏64
摘要 MBA英语作文令很多考生十分头疼,很多考生在英语作文上下了很大功夫,效果却往往不佳,为帮助考生提高作文写作能力,小编位考生准备了2019年MBA联考英语作文模板。



As is vividly depicted in the picture, thirty years ago, a young lady led her little girl by the hand with love and patience while thirty years later, the grown up girl holds her old gray-haired mom carefully with happy smiles on the latter’s face. Simple as the picture is, its symbolic meaning is as deep as ocean, and the author tries to convey the message that as family members, we should go together hand in hand through life’s ups and downs.


The mother’s selfless love for her young child and the daughter’s care of her aged parent reflected by the drawing reminds us of the traditional Chinese virtues---mutual companion and filial duty. These morals are invaluable for the sustainable and harmonious development of both the family and the nation. Without raising the young and taking good care of the old, the family cannot survive and the society cannot make progress. In view of current social phenomena, such as some young couples not wanting to have a baby, and many of the old living alone whose children seldom go to visit them, we are obliged to give publicity to the love and filial duty so as to make people become more aware of the significance of these soul-enhancing virtues.


From the above analysis, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that such virtues as mutual companion and filial duty are of great value to individual’s healthy and happy living and growth, and China still has a long way to go in putting it into effect that the children look after their weak parents no matter what happens. But I am deeply convinced that so long as the whole society makes substantial and sustainable efforts, our future will surely get bette



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