短信预约 公共英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





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  姓名_________ 准考证号______________

  第一部分 听 力

  第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有1O秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。


  1. Who joined the company recently?

  [A] Some designers. [B] An art director. [C] Some photographers.

  2. What does the woman mean?

  [A]She knows the manager.

  [B] She just moved in here.

  [C]She is a visitor.

  3. What did the woman do last weekend?

  [A] She took a walk. [B]She went boating. [C]She stayed at home.

  4. Where is National City Bank?

  [A] On Elm Street. [B].On Oak Street, [C] On Poplar Street.

  5. What will Lisa do after work?

  [A] Pick up her friends.

  [B] Go for a drink with her friends.

  [C] Meet her friends at arepair shop.

  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


  6. What does the man think of the French restaurant?

  [A] The menu is too old. [B]It's too far away. [C]The price is too high.

  7. Why does the man want to eat in?

  [A] He's in a bad mood.

  [B] He's good at cooking.

  [C] He's tired of eating out.


  8. What is Tony's nationality?

  [A] Canadian. [B] British. [C] French.

  9. Why has Tony come to China?

  [A] To find his roots. [B] To do banana trade. [C] To seek a better life.

  10. How does Tony find his experience in China?

  [A] Disappointing. [B] Interesting. [C] Crazy.


  11. What are the speakers talking about?

  [A] A company meeting. [B] High school life. [C] Old schoolmates.

  12. What did Sally try to show her friends?

  [A]She was successful in business.

  [B] She was interested in Simon.

  [C] She was very happy.

  13. What do we know about Simon Fox?

  [A] He enjoys parties. [B]He likes the woman. [C]He is Sally's husband.


  14. When is the report due?

  [A] Today. [B] Tomorrow. [c]In three weeks.

  15. How does the woman sound9

  [A]Sorry. [B]Interested. [c] Unhappy.

  16. What is the relationship between the speakers?

  [A] Sister and brother. [B] Boss and employee. [c] Teacher and student.


  17. What is the meeting about?

  [A] Moving to a new campus.

  [B] Running a new school.

  [C] Hiring newteachers.

  18. What does the speaker say about the Agriculture students?

  [A] They need bigger places.

  [B] They will stay where they are.

  [C] They'll have their labs ready in a week.

  19. What is the plan for the History Department?

  [A] The students will move to the Law Building.

  [B] Everybody will stay in the old building.

  [C] The teachers will move later.

  20. Who will be in the downtown building?

  [A] Engineering students. [B] Law students. [C] Arts students.

  21. -- Your new cell phone looks so handsome. May I have a look?

  -- __________You will like it.

  [A] Sure, go ahead [B] Not at all

  [C] It doesn't matter [D] Take it easy

  22. It is Dad's birthday and we _________ for a meal to celebrate.

  [A] have gone out [B] were going out

  [C] are going out [D] have been going out

  23. Andy worked ______ of all, so he always had the best performance in his class.

  [A] hard [B] the harder [C] harder [D] hardest

  24. How ________ they be there already? They only left ten minutes ago.

  [A] will [B] can [C] should [D] must

  25. I enjoyed reading the story by Sarah Peterson. It was rather sad,

  [A] though [B] instead [C] too [D] anyway

  26. Susan's family lived a long way away, and she had no one to tum

  [A] over [B] to [C] on [D]in

  27. ________ his point, Kyle showed Ann the word in the dictionary.

  [A] Just prove [B] Just to prove

  [C] Just proving [D] Just to have proved

  28. Is this _______first time you've flown on _________ British Airways?

  [A] the,/ [B] the, a [C] a, the [D] /, a

  29. The company has opened a new factory, ________ many skilled workers are hired.

  [A] which [B] where [C] that [D] why

  30. We often feel _____ when our efforts do not achieve what we hoped they would.

  [A] cut off [B] let down [C] put away [D] set up

  31. Clearly, he doesn't have a plan,_______ he would have said something.

  [A] but [B] unless [C] or [D] so

  32. The family reported their son ______ the next morning after searching everywhere for a whole night.

  [A] misses [B] missed [C] to miss [D] missing

  33. I haven't seen _____ of those two films, so I don't mind which one we go to.

  [A] either [B] none [C] both [D] neither

  34. Ann and Billy ______together for 7 years when they decided to get married.

  [A] I will be [B] are being [C] had been [D] have been

  35. My grandparents are both in their ____ and they are still living a healthy life.

  [A] ninetieth [B] nineties [C] ninety [D] ninety's

  第二节 完形填空


  Pilot Cabuk was at the control seat calling out his climb checklist after taking off. Keeping him company in the copilot's seat was the plane's owner, Doug White.

  Cabuk began a 36 call to air traffic controllers in Miami, but 37 his voice lowered and his head fell to his chest. White 38 him on the shoulder and tried 39 him awake, but he was still. The plane was a mile above the earth, climbing up at a speed of 2,000 feet per minute. And no one on board knew 40 to get it safely to the 41.

  White got on the radio. "Miami," he said in a trembling (颤抖的) voice," I've gotto42 an emergency(紧急状态). My pilot fell ill and is in a terrible state. I need 43 up here.

  Nate Henkels took the 44 at the Miami center. He was 45 ; few aircraft had been as large as this one. Henkels instructed White to 46 at the height of 12,000 feet. But the plane kept 47. "Don't worry. Pull back gently. " Henkels said, fighting his own 48.

  The" gently" part proved 49. White mined left and moved around, which 50 him on the proper course. "You're doing well," said Henkels. His 51 voice had become White's lifeline. Gradually White 52 the plane and then droppedthe landing gear(起落架). Fifteen minutes later, the plane was 53 on the runway, shining under the Florida sun after a perfect 54 Inside the Miami control center, 55 broke out.

  36. [A] warning [B] particular [C] nervous [D] regular

  37. [A] suddenly [B] gradually [C] peacefully [D] rapidly

  38. [A] relaxed [B] beat [C] carded [D] tapped

  39. [A] finding [B] keeping [C] shaking [D] forcing

  40. [A] what [B] how [C] where [D] when

  41. [A] ground [B] sky [C] place [D] seat

  42. [A] reply [B] explain [C] declare [D] suggest

  43. [A] help [B] medicine [C] a doctor [D] a captain

  44. [A] voice [B] call [C] time [D] number

  45. [A] shocked [B] amazed [C] ashamed [D] annoyed

  46. [A] load [B] jump [C] measure [D] stay

  47. [A] dropping [B] burning [C] rocking [D] moving

  48. [A] illness [B] fear [C] desire [D] loneliness

  49. [A] interesting [B] dangerous [C] foolish [D] effective

  50. [A] changed [B] allowed [C] set [D] delivered

  51. [A] anxious [B] urgent [C] calm [D] curious

  52. [A] saved [B] lowered [C] directed [D] fixed

  53. [A] sitting [B] waiting [C] racing [D] turning

  54. [A] flying [B] diving [C] fighting [D] landing

  55. [A] a cry [B] a fire [C] laughters [D] cheers

  第三部分 阅读理解

  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 [ A] 、[B]、[ C] 、[ D] 四个选项中 , 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。

  Text 1

  Two years ago, Dimas Aliprandi and Elton Plaster didn't: know of each other's existence. Then they learned they had been switched (调换) at birth by mistake more than 20 years ago. The discovery didn't bring bitterness. Rather, it led to the creation of a bigger family.

  The chain of events started with Dimas, who was always wondering why he did not look like the four sisters he grew up with. He was 14 when his doubts grew after watching a TV news report on babies getting switched at birth because of mistakes at hospitals. He wanted to do a DNA test, but it was too expensive for the family.

  A decade later, DimasLdid it on his own.The DNA test showed that he was not the birth son of the man and woman who had raised him. The news was a shock for his parents. They at first refused to believe the results, but eventually decided to help him look for his biological parents.

  The search began at the Madre Regina Protmann Hospital where records were checked. The hospital searched its records and found Elton Plaster was born there on the same day.

  The records led Dimas to the 35-acre farm where Plaster lived with his parents, Nilza and Adelson, in the town of Santa Mafia de Jetiba, about 30 miles from the Aliprandi home in Joao Neiva. After tests, the Plasters discovered that Elton was the biological son of the man and woman that Dimas had been calling Morn and Dad for 24 years. Meanwhile, the couple Elton had always regarded as his biological parents were Dimas' parents.

  About a year ago, Aliprandi and the parents who raised him accepted an offer from the Plasters to mOve to their farm, where they built a home.

  "This is the way it should be," Adelson Plaster recently told Globo TV. "We are all together and I now have two sons living and working here."

  56. Who was the first to discover the baby switch?

  [A] Globo TV. [B] The hospital. [C] Elton Plaster. [D] Dimas Aliprandi.

  57. Where do the Aliprandis now live?

  [A] In Sao Paulo. [B] In Joao Neiva.

  [C] In Santa Mafia de Jetiba. [D] In Madre Regina Protmann.

  58. What did the Aliprandis do when they knew about the baby switch?

  [A] They went to Globo TV for more information.

  [B] They helped Dimas find his birth parents.

  [C] They switched the hospital's records.

  [D] They took another DNA test.

  59. Who are Elton Plaster's biological parents?

  [A] The Plasters. [B] The Aliprandis.

  [C] Dimas and Elton. [D] Nilza and Adelson.

  Text 2

  Force of habit is a powerful thing. How else can I explain why I spend $ 200 per month for a package of the Interact, TV, and telephone-most of which I don't really need? My wife and I make most calls on our cell phones. We don't watch much TV and nearly everything we want we could get online. So why not just pay for the Intemet and forget the rest.

  My answers are totally unreasonable: I' m 49 years old; this is how I've always done things; change is hard. Most of the U. S. population is in this same situation. Nielsen recently reported that although online video (视频) viewing has risen 35 percent in the past year,99 percent of TV viewing is still done on a traditional TV. But that is not the case for younger people, like my friend Dan Frommer, a 27-year-old writer for a Website. Frommer pulled the plug (插座) on cable (有) TV in May 2008 and instead gets shows from the Interact by a Macintosh computer connected to his LCD television. He cannot get everthing he'd like to see, but he has saved $1,5000n cable-TV bills. The next generation-today's young people-will likely never sign up for cable TV at all.

  This is terrible news for cable companies. For decades they have had a wonderful business model, running the tollbooth(收费站) that stood between you and the shows. Now the Intemet provides a way to get around the tollbooth, and cable companies are faced with a problem: do they welcome the Internet and try to make money online, or do they fight the Internet and try to delay the damage? The answer is to do both: delaying the trend with one hand while racing to develop workable Internet business models with the other.

  Problem is, even if the tollbooth stays up, it probably won't make as much money. The rule is that when the Intemet hits an industry, wherever you used to make dollars, you now make cents. For cable companies, the good old days may soon be over.

  60. Why do most people still watch traditional TV?

  [A] They have signed up for it. [B] They have no other choices.

  [C] They are in the habit of doing so. [D] They fail to see what they really like.

  61. What do young people usually do nowadays?

  [A] Write for a website. [B] Get connected with cable TV.

  [C] Make money on the Intemet. [D] Use the Intemet instead of cable TV.

  62. According to the text, cable companies are threatened by

  [A] population growth [B] people' s old habits

  [C] online video viewing [D] cable company tollbooths

  63. What is the problem faced by cable companies?

  [A] How to improve tollbooths. [B] How to make more money online.

  [C] How to survive in an Intemet age. [D] How to design attractive programs.

  Text 3

  The way people in the US travel to and from work has changed a lot in the last fifty years. Before the Second World War, most people lived in the town or the city where they worked. Almost everyone either walked to work or used a good inexpensive transportation system. Many of these systems were electrified and ran on tracks, so they used very little energy.

  After 1945, the United States government built many new roads and highways. People moved farther and farther from the cities where they worked because they could drive their cars on these new roads from their suburban (郊区的) homes to work in the city. Some of the big car makers also bought the electrified transportation systems so they could destroy them. As people stopped using public transportation, cities spent less money to fix old buses and trains or to buy new ones. Public transportation got worse and worse.

  In the late 1960s, people found out that the increase in the use of cars led to many problems.There were always too many cars for the highway system, and terrible traffic problems developed. People were spending hours in traffic jams getting to and from work every day. In addition, the air in many cities became dirty because of pollution from millions of cars, and many people died in traffic accidents.

  As people began to get worried about how the use of cars was hurting the environment, cities began to spend more money on public transportation again so fewer people would have to drive cars.

  When gas became very expensive in the mid-1970s, the number of people taking public transportation began to increase. Because it is terribly expensive to build new public transportation systems, it is very difficult to make big changes in the way people travel, but an increase in the use of public transportation has begun.

  64. Why did some car companies buy and destroy public transportation systems?

  [A] They were slower than cars.

  [B] They were too old to be fixed.

  [C] They were trying to build better ones.

  [D] They wanted to sell more of their products.

  65. When did people in the US start moving away from where they work?

  [A] Before World War 11. [B] After 1945.

  [C] In the late 1960s. [D] In the mid-1970s.

  66. What makes it difficult to change people's way of travelling?

  [A] Lack of money. [B] Shortage of gas.

  [C] Poor quality of highways. [D] Increased number of cars.

  67. What kind of transportation does the author seem to favour?

  [A] Electric cars. [B] Bicycles.

  [C] Gas cars. [D] Buses and trains.

  Text 4

  New YorkmBy studying blindfolded college students who move through grass to find a chocolate scented (有…气味的) path by smelling, researchers say they've found evidence of a human smelling ability that scientists thought impossible.

  The study shows the human brain compares information it gets from each nostril (鼻孔) to determine where a smell is coming from. And it suggests dogs and mice and some other mammals(哺乳动物) do the same thing, unlike what most scientists have thought.

  People compare signals(信号) from each ear to determine the direction of a noise. But most scientists' idea has been that mammals can't do it in the same way for smells, because their nostrils are too close together to get different signals.

  "We debunked that," said Noam Sobel of the University of California, Berkeley, who reported the new results Sunday with graduate student Jess Porter and others on the Website of the magazine Nature Neuroscience.

  The report isn't the first to suggest the two-nostril idea. But Sobel and his team have now "opened the doors for full consideration of it," said a researcher familiar with the work.

  Most of the paper focuses on what a group of undergraduate psychology students could do in a garden on the Berkeley campus.

  One outdoor experiment was designed to see if people could use just their noses to follow a 30-foot-long path of chocolate scent through the grass.

  The path was laid out with scented ropes. But the 32 students were blindfolded and equipped with thick gloves to make sure they couldn't see or feel it.

  Two-thirds of the students succeeded in following the scent. Another experiment found that the volunteers succeeded only one-third of the time with one nostril taped shut.

  68. What human ability does Sobel's study focus on?

  [A] Smelling. [B] Hearing. [C] Touching. [D] Moving.

  69. What is the most commonly held idea among most scientists?

  [A] Most mammals have similar brain functions.

  [B] The nose and ears do not work in the same way.

  [C] It's useless to experiment on smell ability.

  [D] Human's smell is similar to the animal's.

  70. In Sobel's study, the students were asked to

  [A] find the hidden ropes in grass [B] feel their way out of the garden

  [C] follow the chocolate smell [D] share chocolate bars

  71. What does the underlined word "debunked" in paragraph 4 mean?

  [A] Proved something wrong. [B] Had confidence in something.

  [C] Failed to find any evidence. [D] Re-examined the results of something.

  Text 5

  Rees Hail-Two Star Guesthouse

  Thank you for choosing to stay at Rees Hall. Please take the time to read the following to enjoy a better stay.


  The white card will gain your entry into the building through the card reader on the inner wall next to the office window. We ask that you report any loss or damage to this card to us immediately.

  We ask that you do not leave any bags/boxes unattended.

  Please make sure you lock your room door with the key when leaving your room.


  Please familiaidze yourself with the nearest fire exit (出 口).

  When the fire alarm is on, you must leave the building immediately and go to the gathering point outside the building, opposite Rees Hall on Southsea Common. DO NOT stop to collect personal belongings or re-enter the building until permission is given.

  Fire drills are carried out every Tuesday between 10:00 and 10:15 am.


  For the convenience & comfort of all guests, smoking is not allowed within the building and at the front of the building. We are able to offer an area for smoking in the courtyard.


  On the day of your leave, you must check out of your room by 10:00 am.

  Storage of luggage after this time may be arranged through the front desk.

  Failure to leave your room by 10:00 am will result in one extra day's charge.


  The management team at Rees Hall is always looking to improve customer service levels, and we would be grateful if you would spend a few moments completing the questionnaire in your room and hand it to the front desk on your leave.

  72. For whom is the text written?

  [A] Guests. [B] Firemen. [C] Managers. [D] Attendants.

  73. According to the text, one needs the white card to

  [A] open his room. [B] enter the building.

  [C] go through the fire exit. [D] get into the smoking area.

  74. How often is the fire alarm drill?

  [A] Once an hour. [B] Once a day.

  [C] Once a week. [D] Once a month.

  75. For what purpose is the questionnaire used?

  [A] To organize a prize-giving activity. [B]To express one's thankfulness.

  [c] To ask for more information. [D]To make the service better.

  第四部分 写 作

  第一节 短文改错


  第二节 书面表达












  第一部分 听力解释

  1-5 ACABB 6?10 CCAAA 11-15 CCBAC 16-20 BABCB


  Text 1

  W: I saw your company photograph in the paper, Martin. You've got a lot of people.

  M: Yes. Our art director has just hired four new designers.

  Text 2

  M: Excuse me. Where can I find the manager in this building? I need to speak to him fight now.

  W: Sorry. I can't help you. I'm not familiar with this building. My friend lives here.

  Text 3

  M: Did you have a nice weekend? The weather was lovely.

  W: Yes, we did. I went for a walk in the park near our home and my husband and the children went boating on the lake.

  Text 4

  M: How can I get to National City Bank?

  W: Walk down Elm Street as far as the traffic lights; tum left onto Poplar Street; walk to the end onto Oak Street and the bank is on your left.

  Text 5

  M: Hi, Lisa. Shirley and I are going for a drink after work at the usual place. Would you like to come along?

  W: My car is in the repair shop and i have to pick it up. You go ahead and I'll meet you there.

  Text 6

  M: Oh, I am starving.

  W: Me too. Shall we eat out? There is a new French restaurant down the street.

  M: Oh, forget about it. I went there with a friend last week. The menu was all in French and I just couldn't read it.

  W: That's what you are paying for.

  M: Maybe. But I should say everything was expensive and nothing was to my satisfaction.

  W: Then how about the Italian restaurant on the next block.

  M: Well. I ate out almost every day last week. Let's just eat in today.

  W: But I am not in the mood to cook.

  M: I will cook then. In fact, I am sick and tired of restaurant. I just want home-cook meal.

  Text 7

  W: Tony, can I ask you a personal question?

  M: About what?

  W: Well, I was wondering about how you are received here in China.

  M: What do you mean?

  W: Well, since you are Chinese-Canadian and only speak English and French well; how do native Chinese treat you?

  M: Oh, well. Sometimes it can get pretty difficult. When people find out that I am a Canadian citizen who can't speak Chinese well, they usually call me a banana. You know, yellow on the outside and white on the inside.

  W: How does that make you feel?

  M: Well, I first feel mad. Then I feel sad, because I am seen as someone who has forgotten his root. All this is because my parents left to find a better life and I decided to return in order to find something I lost. Sometimes I am not sure if I like what I found.

  Text 8

  M: You know the party last night? Lots of old faces from college were there.

  W: Really?

  M: Yeah. Sally was there with her husband; I heard he's something very high up and important in some business company.

  W: Yes, I heard that too. To tell you the truth, I never really expected her to marry someone successful. She was alway untidy and didn't like to work.

  M: Obviously, she's changed her attitude to life. I mean she was very smartly dressed, and she kept telling me all about how much money their new house had cost.

  W: Seriously.

  M: Yes, she was really proud of it.

  W: Well, she never used to be interested in money at all,

  M: By the way, Simon Fox was at the party.

  W: Was he? I haven't seen him for ages.

  M: Naturally, he couldn't help asking me questions about you.

  W: I think he still thinks that we might get back together one day.

  M: Exactly.

  W: Well, not much chance of that.

  Text 9

  W: Where is the report I asked you to finish for today, Daug?

  M: I’m really sorry, Ms. Jameson but it's not quite ready. I will have it by tomorrow.

  W: That will be too late, Daug, it is needed at the board meeting this afternoon. You have been working on it for three weeks now. Why can't you have your work done on time?

  M: I've just had a lot of other things to do. And I still haven't caught up with the work I missed while I was on vacation.

  W: Well, I am really tired of your excuses, Daug. Your work has been getting worse for the past several months. I have said a few things about it in the past, but nothing seems to help.

  M: I am really sorry. I know I am not working up to my abilities. You will see a real improvement in my work from now on. Ms. Jameson. I can promise you that.

  W: I certainly hope so. I know you are able to do much better than you have shown in the last few months.

  Text 10

  W: Good morning. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have called this meeting to discuss our college's new campus which is opening fully next year. We plan to move our students to the new place in groups. So please listen carefully. The agricultural students won't move at all. As you know, their new place was opened last year. And they are well placed for both labs and classrooms base. The art students, however, are a different case. History students are all moving. But unfortunately their teachers will be left in the old buildings as their new offices are still being painted.Better news for the engineers: your teachers, staff and students are all ready moving to the new campus. The lab is in operation. The move of the engineers should be completed next week. The department of law has been moved downtown. We are expecting suggestions for the way school buildings could be used. So if you have further doubts or questions, please let us know. Thank you.


  第一节 单项填空

  21.【A】 【精析】句意:一你的新手机看起来很漂亮,我可以看看吗?一当然可以,看吧。你会喜欢的。本题考查的是情景对话中同意对方请求的表达方式,故A正确oA选项意为“当然,没问题”,可以用来回答对方的请求;B选项意为“不用谢或者没关系”,可以用来回答对方的道歉或者感谢;C选项意为“没关系”,可以用来回答对方的道歉;D选项意为“放松点,不要紧张”,可以用来安慰对方。

  【知识拓展】例:Can I sit here?我能坐这里么?

  Sure, go ahead.当然可以。

  Thank you very much.非常感谢。

  Not at all.不用谢。

  I am sorry to be late.很抱歉我迟到了。

  It doesn't matter.没关系。

  I feel very nervous.我很紧张。

  Take it easy.别紧张,放松点。

  22.【C】 【精析】句意:今天是爸爸的生日,我们打算出去吃饭,为他庆祝生日。本题考查的是一般将来时的用法,故C正确。A选项是现在完成时,表示已经做过的事情;B选项是过去进行时,表示过去某个时间点正在做的事情;C选项是一般将来时,表示计划未来要做的事情;D选项是现在完成进行时,表示从过去到现在一直持续的某个动作。


  例:1)I' ve just copied all the new words.我刚抄写了所有的生词。

  2) She has lost her books.她丢失了她的书。


  例:1) We were watching TV from seven to nine last night.昨天晚上七点到九点的时候我们在看电视。

  2) What was he researching all.day last Sunday? 上周日他一整天都在研究什么?

  一般将来时结构:①be going to+do;②will+do.

  例:1)I'm going to have a picnic this afternoon.我计划下午去野炊。

  2) He will go to Hong Kong next week.他打算下周去中国香港。

  现在完成进行时结构:have/has been+v.-ing

  例:1)I have been working for 12 hours.我已经工作了12小时了。

  2)I have been reading the book.我一直在读这本书。

  23.【D】 【精析】句意:安迪是班里最努力的,所以他总是成绩最好。本题考查副词最高级形式。故D正确。

  【知识拓展】当句子中出现than的时候,可以用形容词或者副词的比较级;句中出现of all的时候,可以用最高级。

  例:He is shorter than his elder brother.他比哥哥个子矮。

  She is the most beautiful girl of all the girls.她是所有女孩子当中最漂亮的。

  24.【B】 【精析】句意:他们怎么会已经到了?他们十分钟前才出发而已。本题考查的是情态动词的用法。 can可以用来表示可能性,惊奇的语气。根据题意,故B正确。

  【知识拓展】例:How can you do that to a poor old man?你怎么可以那样对待一个可怜的老人?

  How can you believe such a lie? 你怎么会相信这样的谎言?

  25.【A】 【精析】句意:我喜欢读Sarah Peterson写的那个故事,尽管情节有点悲伤。本题考查的是连词用法。though表示语气的转折,意思是“尽管”,故A正确。

  【知识拓展】例:John is anice person,a little stubborn though.约翰是个好人,尽管有点固执。

  26.【B】,【精析】句意:苏珊家住得很远,她没有可以求助的人。本题考查的是固定短语的用法。turn to表示向某人求助,故B正确。

  【知识拓展】turn over反转,反过来;turn to求助于;turn on打开;turn in上交。

  例:Before planting the seeds, we should turn over the soil.播种之前,我们应该先翻土。

  He doesn't want to turn to his parents when in trouble.有困难时,他不想求助于父母。

  He turned on the TV to watch the game.他打开电视看比赛。

  He turned in his paper yesterday.他昨天把论文交上来了。

  27.【B】 【精析】句意:为了证明自己的观点,Kyle把词典里的单词展示给Ann看。本题考查的是动词不定式的用法。动词不定式的原形可以表示目的,根据题意,B正确。

  【知识拓展】例:He got up early to arrive at the airport on time.


  She bought a gift to make her son happy.为了让儿子开心,她买了份礼物。

  28.【A】 【精析】句意:这是你第一次搭乘英国航空公司的航班吗?本题考查的是冠词的用法。序数词前面需要使用定冠词,公司名称前面不需要用任何冠词;故A正确。

  【知识拓展】He is sitting in the second row.他坐在第二排。

  He works in Microsoft.他在微软公司上班。

  29.【B】 【精析】句意:公司新开了一家工厂,那里需要聘用很多技术娴熟的工人。本题考查的是非限制性定语从句。which和where都可以引导非限制性定语从句,在本句中,引导词在从句中应该做地点状语,故B正确。


  例:The patient's expression has turned to a smile, which is a good sign of his improvement.病人的表情开始变成笑容了,这说明他的病情在好转。

  He went back to the city, where he was born and went to primary school.他回到了那个城市――也就是他出生并且读小学的地方。

  I don't like that guy,who likes to brag about himself.我不喜欢那个爱吹牛的家伙。

  He went to the small mountainous village, where he was born and grew up.他去了那个小山村,那里是他出生长大的地方。

  30.【B】 【精析】句意:当我们的努力无法实现我们想要的目标时,会感到很失望。本题考查的是动词短语的用法。根据题意,付出的努力没有取得成效时,应该觉得失望,故B正确。

  【知识拓展】let down使失望,泄气;cut off切断;put away收起来;set up成立、建立。

  例:Don't be let down by any failure.不要因为任何失败而气馁。

  The power was cut off due to the rainstorm.由于暴风雨,电力被切断。

  You should put your stuff away.你应该把自己的东西收好。

  He set up a company in 1999.他在1999年成立自己的公司。

  31.【C】 【精析】句意:很明显他没有计划,否则他会说点什么的。本题考查的是连词的用法o or表示否则,语气的转折。根据题意,故C正确。


  例:He is tall but too weak.他个子高,但是身体太弱了。

  I won't go unless he invites me.除非他邀请我,否则我不去。

  He was late,so he missed the train.他迟到了,因此没赶上火车。

  32.【D】 【精析】句意:到处寻找了一整夜之后,这家人第二天凌晨上报儿子失踪。本题考查的是过去分词和现在分词做后置定语的用法。过去分词一般表示被动含义,另有表示状态或做完的事情。现在分词表示主动意义;另可表示正在进行。此处用“missing”表示小孩还未找到,故D正确。


  例:The police are trying to find the missing boy.警察正努力的寻找走失的男孩。

  He found the lost wallet.他找回了丢失的钱包。

  33.【A】 【精析】句意:两部电影我都没看,所以去看哪一部我都无所谓。本题考查的是代词用法o either用在否定句当中,表示两者其中的一个。故A正确。


  例:None of the students like English.所有学生都不喜欢英语。

  Both songs are very nice.两首歌都很好听。

  Neither of the two brothers are tall.两兄弟个子都不高。

  34.【C】 【精析】句意:决定结婚的时候Ann和Bill已经在一起七年了。本题考查的是过去完成时的用法。过去完成时表示以过去的某个时间点为参照,在这个时间之前已经发生的动作;A选项是一般将来时,B选项是现在进行时;D选项是现在完成时;故C正确。

  【知识拓展】现在进行时表示正在发生的动作,基本结构:be动词+V.- ing

  例:What is he doing?他在干嘛呢?

  I am trying to repair the computer.我正想办法修电脑。

  They are waiting for you.他们正在等你。


  例:By yesterday, we had learned 2000 words.到昨天为止,我们学了两千个单词了。

  When l woke up, it had already stopped raining.我醒来时雨已停了。

  She found the key that she had lost.她丢失的钥匙找到了。

  35.【B】 【精析】句意:我的祖父母都已经九十多了,现在依然身体健康。本题考查的是数词的用法。“in one's+基数词复数”表示在某人多少岁的时候;故B正确。

  【知识拓展】例:He set up his own company in his twenties.他二十多岁时成立自己的公司。

  He died of illness in his forties.他四十多岁时因病去世。

  第二节 完形填空


  在起飞之后,飞行员Cabuk坐在驾驶座上汇报飞机的起飞备忘信息。和他一起坐在副驾驶位置上的是飞机的主人Doug White 。



  位于迈阿密中心的Nate Henkels接到呼叫并且感到震惊:很少有这样大的飞机。Henkels指导White保持在12000英尺的高度上。但是飞机还在不断迅速升高。“不要担心,轻轻拉回o" Henkels一边控制恐惧感一边说到。

  事实证明,“轻轻地”很有效。 White向左转并且转一圈,这样就使得他进入到恰当的路径上。 Henkels说:“你做的很好。”他镇定的声音已经成为了White的救命索。 White慢慢的降低了飞机高度然后放下起落架。十五分钟之后飞机成功降落,停在了跑道上,在佛罗里达的阳光下闪闪发光。迈阿密的控制中心里发出了欢呼声。

  36.D 【精析】本题考查的是形容词词义辨析。根据上下文,此处表达的是在起飞之后,飞行员向控制中心做常规汇报,故D正确。


  37.A 【精析】本题考查的是副词词义辨析。根据上下文推断,飞行员是突发疾病,故A正确。


  38.D 【精析】本题考查的是动词辨析。根据上下文推断,飞行员是疾病,White会拍拍他,看看怎么回事,故D正确。


  39.C 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。shake是“晃动”的意有人静止不动时,其他人的习惯应该是轻轻晃一晃以唤醒他不是用暴力迫使其醒来,故C正确。


  40.B 【精析】本题考查的是疑问词的用法。根据文意,除了飞行与他人都不知道如何驾驶飞机,故D正确。

  41.A 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据故事内容,飞行经晕倒,现在应该想办法把飞机降落到地面以确保安全,故A正确。

  42.C 【精析】本题考查的是动词词义辨析。reply表示回复、回应,及物动词;explain表示解释说明;declare表示正式宣布;suggest表示建议。根据题意,“宣布”最符合题意,故C正确。

  43.A 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。飞行员已经晕倒,需要地面提供帮助以确保安全,而不可能是需要地面送药或机长或者飞行员过去,故A正确。


  44.B 【精析】本题考查的是名词辨析以及对上下文的理解。根据文章意思,White向地面发出紧急呼叫,所以地面接收的应该是call,故B正确。

  45.A 【精析】本题考查的是形容词词义辨析以及对上下文的理解。飞行员突然生病晕倒的状况很少发生,因此地面人员的反应应该是非常吃惊,故A正确。


  46.D 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。飞机刚刚起飞还处于上升状态时飞行员就晕倒了,因此现在最主要的是控制飞机的空中的高度,首先应该保持现在的高度不再上升,故D正确。


  47.C 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据文章内容,White开始并不知道如何控制飞机,因此飞机还处于不断上升的状态,rock表示迅速上升,故C正确。


  48.B 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。飞机出现这种突发事件,地面人员也是很担心的,故B正确。


  49.D 【精析】本题考查的是形容词词义辨析以及对上下文的理解。地面人员的指挥应该对White控制飞机很有帮助。根据上下文意思,轻轻控制的做法有效果,故D正确。


  50.C 【精析】本题考查的是动词词义辨析o set表示使某人某物处于某种状态,故C正确。


  51.C 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。尽管地面控制人员觉得很紧张,但是他也在控制自己的情绪,用镇定的语气和White通话,故C正确。


  52.B 【精析】本题考查的是上下文的衔接。从文中推断此处是表示飞机的空中高度已经下降,故B正确。

  53.A 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据文章的意思,飞机已经成功降落,因此应该是停在跑道上,故A正确。

  54.D 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文理解。根据文章意思,此时飞机已经安全降落并且停在跑道上,故D正确。


  55.D 【精析】本题考查的是名词词义辨析以及对上下文的理解。飞机成功降落,地面控制中心的工作人员应该是开心地欢呼。laughters嘲笑;cheers欢呼,喝彩;故D正确。

  第三部分 阅读理解


  Text 1

  两年前Dimas Aliprandi和Ehon Plaster还不知道对方的存在。后来他们知道两个人在二十年前出生时被掉包了。这个发现没有给他们带来痛苦,相反,却造就了一个更大的家庭。



  寻找工作从Madre Regina Protmann医院开始,他们在那里查询了记录。医院查找了记录然后发现Ehon Plaster在同一时间出生在该医院。

  这份记录把Dimas带到了一个位于Santa Maria de Jetiba市面积为35英亩的农场,距离Aliprandi的家Joao Neiva三十英里远;那里是Plaster与父母Nilza和Adelson一起生活的地方。经过检测,Plaster夫妇发现Elton是被Dimas称为父母长达24年的那对夫妻的亲生儿子。同时Elton一直以来认为是亲生父母的夫妇则是Dimas的亲生父母。


  “结果应该是这样,”最近Adelson Plaster对Globo电视台说:“现在我有两个儿子和我一起生活工作。”

  56.D 【精析】细节题。题干意为“谁最先发现婴儿被掉包的?”第二段第一句“The chain...Dimas, who…”,可以得知是Dimas首先发现的,故D为正确答案。

  57.C 【精析】细节题。题干意为“Aliprandi一家现在住在哪里?”文章第六段提到“About a year ago, Aliprandi...to move to their farm”可知,一年前,Aliprandi一家已经受Plaster夫妇邀请搬迁至农场,并在那里安家,故C正确。

  58.B 【精析】细节题。题干意为“Aliprandi大妇发现婴儿被掉包之后怎么办的?”从文章的第三段中最后一句“…but eventually decided to help him look for his biological parents.”可以得知,他们愿意帮助 Dimas寻找亲生父母,故B正确。

  59.B 【精析】推理题。题干意为“Elton Plaster的亲生父母是谁?根据第五段中的“the Plasters discovered that Ehon was the biological son of the man and woman Dimas had been calling Mom and Dad…”可知 Elton的亲生父母是Dimas Aliprandi的养父母,即The Aliprandis,故B正确。


  Text 2


  我的回答完全不合理:我今年49岁了,而这一直是我做事的方式;改变太难。大多数美国人都是这样。Nielsen最近报道说,尽管在线视频观看在去年已经增加了百分之三十五,但是百分之九十九的电视节目都是在传统电视上观看的。不过年轻人的情况并非如此,比如我的朋友Dan Frommer,他是一名27岁的网络作家,Frommer在2008年五月份把有线电视线拔掉,然后通过连接在LCD电视上的Macintosh电脑在网上看电视。他没法在网上看到所有想看的节目,但是每年节省了1500美元的有线电视费。下一代人――现在的年轻人――可能根本不会订购有线电视。



  60.C 【精析】推理题。题干意为“为什么大多数人还看传统电视?”从文章第二段“Change is hard.Most of the US population is in the same situation.改变太难。大多数美国人都是这样”可以得知,大部分人还看传统电视是出于习惯。故C为正确答案。

  61.D 【精析】推理题。题干意为“如今的年轻人一般都干什么?”从文章第二段“But it is not the case for younger people不过年轻人的情况并非如此”可以得知,年轻人和年龄大的人习惯不同,不看传统电视,习惯于通过网络看节目,故D为正确答案。

  62.C 【精析】推理题。题干意为“根据文章内容,有线电视公司受到谁的威胁?”从文章内容来看,当今的年轻人不再喜欢看传统电视,习惯于通过网络看节目,故C为正确答案。

  63.C 【精析】概述题。题干意为“有线电视公司面临的问题是什么?”



  Text 3






  64.D【精析】推理题。题干意为“为什么有些汽车公司收购并摧毁公共交通系统?”由文章第二段“Some of the big car makers also...destroy them.”可知,汽车制造商收购公共交通然后破坏这些设施,是为了让人们没有公共交通可用,迫使人们买车。所以正确答案是D。

  65.B【精析】推理题。题干意为“美国人什么时候住的离工作地点越来越远?”依据第二段文章所陈述的“people moved farther and farther from the cities they lived”,1945年以后,美国政府开始大量修路,可以得知是B。

  66.A 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“是什么导致人们改变出行方式很难?”根据文章最后一段的“…terribly expensive to build new...big changes in the way…重建公共交通系统耗资过大…让人们出行方式发生很大变化也很难”得知由于花费太高,无法重建公共交通系统,因此无法在很大程度上改变人们的出行方式,故A为正确答案。

  67.D 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“作者看起来倾向于哪一种交通方式?”根据文章内容来看,作者认为汽车污染空气,堵车严重,应该提倡公共交通,故D为正确答案。


  Text 4





  “我们驳斥这一点。”伯克利加州大学的Noam Sobel这样说,他和研究生Jess Porter以’及其他人在Nature Neuroscience杂志的网站上共同做了一篇名为Sunday的新闻报道。






  68.A 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“Sobel的研究是关于人类的哪一种能力的?”从文章第一段“of a human smelling ability that scientists…”可以得知,实验是关于人类嗅觉的,故选B。

  69.B 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“大多数科学家通常认为…?”由文章第三段可知,大多数科学家认为哺乳动物辨别嗅觉和听觉的方式不同,因为辨别嗅觉所用到的两个鼻孔太近,不能进行比较,故选B。

  70.C 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“在Sobel的研究中,学生们被安排做…?”由文章倒数第二段“…were blindfolded and equipped with thick gloves…”可知,参加实验的学生眼睛被蒙起来,被要求根据鼻子闻到的气味前行,故选C。

  71.A 【精析】语义题。题干意为:“第四段中划线部分的单词‘debunked’是什么意思?”debunk的意思是驳斥,故选A。A选项意为证明某事是错误的;B选项意为对某件事有信心;C选项意为没能找到证据;D选项为重新检查结果。


  Text 5









  火灾警报打开时,请务必迅速离开大楼并在外面里斯酒店对面的Southsea Common集合点集合。请勿在未获得许可的情况下回酒店取东西。










  72.A 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“该文是写给谁的?”由文章第一段“Thank you for choosing to stay at…”来看,文章是写给酒店客人的,所以正确选项为A。

  73.B 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“通过原文,客人需要白色卡片做什么?”由第二段中“the white card will gain your entry into the building…”可知,白色的卡可以让客人顺利进入酒店大楼,正确答案是B。

  74.C 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“火灾演习多久一次?”从文章第二部分“fire drills are carried out every Tuesday between 10:00 and 10:15"可知,火灾演习时间为每星期二上午十点至十点一刻,所以正确答案是C。

  75.D 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“问卷用于做什么?”从文章最后一段“to improve customer service level…”可知,问卷调查的目的是不断提高服务水平,所以正确答案是DO

  第四部分 书面表达


  20th June.2013

  Dear Sue,

  It's been ages since we last saw each other. I really miss you. How are you doing recently?

  I am going to Britain for my summer vacation and my flight will arrive in London on 15th in July.I plan to stay in London for ten days. Then I will fly to LA.I have already made reservations at King Hotel.

  Hopefully we can find some time to get together.I really miss the time we spent together in Beijing when you came to China. Please tell me in advance when you will be free so that I can make arrangements to see you.

  I am looking forward to your reply.

  Yours Sincerely,

  Li Ming




  make reservations 预订

  get together 聚会

  in advance 提前

  make arrangements 作安排

  looking forward to your reply 期待你的回信



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