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第一节 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.Mary was disappointed when she found that everyone had gone to the party _____ her.

2.Everyone likes her. She always speaks _____ a _____ way.
[A]in, friend
[B]with, friendship
[C]in, friendly
[D]on, friends

3.The building will be attractive to look _____ and very comfortable to live _____.
[A]for, /
[B]out, in
[C]after, with
[D]at, in

4.Professor Li ______ back from America for over two weeks.
[A]has come
[B]has been
[C]had come

5.Mr. Smith is person easy ________.
[A]to approach
[B] approach
[D]to be approached

6.Many people in developing countries suffer from AIDS, but the same is true ____ many westerners.

7.― Brad is Jane’s brother. ― _______ he reminds me so much of Jane!
[A]No doubt
[B]Above all
[C]No wonder
[D]Of course

8.By the time you ______ back, the meal _______.
[A]come, will be ready
[B]will come, will be ready
[C]come, is ready
[D]will come, is ready

9.Although _____ ten years ago, the machine is still in good condition.

10.― __________, Rome was not built in a day. ―So you mean that it was built at night.
[A]The saying says
[B]As the saying goes
[C]The saying is
[D]For the saying says

11.He has lost his job and his family. ________, the situation is serious.
[A]In other words
[B]In a word
[C]In word
[D]Word says

12.Mother warned Tom that he should be ______ for what he had done.

13.She is the only one among the _______ writers who _______ stories for children.
[A]woman, writes
[B]women, write
[C]women, writes
[D]woman, write

14.It was too late. He could do nothing but ______ back home.
[D]to walk

15.The boy has great difficult _______ the text.
[A]to catch on
[B]catching up with
[C]catching on
[D]to catch up with


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 第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

  Although Americans think of themselves as informal, there are certain 16 rules which all polite people are expected to 17 . Guests must arrive on time. If you are invited to “drop by 18 ,” it is best to phone ahead to set a specific date, time and 19 to meet. Americans usually greet guests at the 20 with a “Hi, make yourself at 21 .” By this they 22 to relax and do not 23 about being very formal. However, do not wander through the house without asking 24 to see the other rooms. Also, guests should 25 before using the host’s radio or TV, books, or other personal possession(财产). Guests are not normally expected to bring a gift when 26 . 27 , if you are staying overnight, it is acceptable to bring some small token(纪念品), such as candy, flowers for the wife, or an 28 gift from your home area. It is necessary 29 or to write a brief note to say “Thank you” after you eat a meal or stay overnight in 30 home. Americans may ask you what you may 31 to be many personal questions. Your hosts are not trying to be 32 ; this is just how people get acquainted(认识) or “keep in 33 ” in America. They are usually trying to 34 what interests or viewpoints they have in 35 with you. You may always answer “I’d rather not say” or “I’d rather not talk about that right now.”


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        16.[A]made [B]built [C]decided [D]set
   17.[A]after [B]follow [C]go [D]learn
   18.[A]some time [B]some times [C]sometime [D]sometimes
   19.[A]place [B]tonight [C]talk [D]season
   20.[A]office [B]home [C]outside [D]door
   21.[A]house [B]home [C]family [D]ease
   22.[A]can [B]enjoy [C] intend [D]may
   23.[A]worry [B]think [C]set [D]look
   24.[A]permitting [B]permission [C]allowing [D]host
   25.[A]permit [B]order [C]ask [D]invite
   26.[A]visit [B]visiting [C]visited [D]visits
   27.[A]But [B]And [C]However [D]So
   28.[A]cheap [B]beautiful [C]expensive [D]inexpensive
   29.[A]to telephone [B]telephone [C] telephoning [D]telephoned
   30.[A]some other ones [B]some one else[C]some other one’s [D]some one else’s
   31.[A]think [B]consider [C]mean [D]suggest
   32.[A]careful [B]impolite [C]polite [D]happy
   33.[A]touch [B]line [C]order [D]time
   34.[A]look for [B]find out [C]finding out [D]looking for
   35.[A]similar [B]different [C]same [D]common


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