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第二十三课   地点


⑴ 关于格林威治


⑵ 关于剑桥



⑴ historic  a. 历史上著名的;历史的
考点:historic times 有史时期
      a historic spot 古迹
例句:This is the historic site where that historic event took place.

⑵ marvelous  a. 奇妙的;很好的
考点:have a marvelous collection of rare books 拥有一流珍本书籍的收藏
例句:What marvelous weather!

⑶ terrific  a. 极妙的,了不起的
考点:a terrific party 了不起的宴会
at a terrific speed 以惊人的速度
a terrific headache 非常厉害的头痛
例句:We had a terrific time at the disco.

⑷ sightseeing  n.  a. 游览(的);观光(的)
考点:a sightseeing car  游览车
      a sightseeing party 参观团
例句:Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer( to go ) sightseeing.

⑸ scatter  v. 散开;散布
考点:scatter one’s strength 分散精力
      scatter seed on the field 把种子散播在地理
例句:The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.

⑹ combine  v. 结合;联合
考点:be combined in 化合成
be combined with 与。。。结合着
combine…with… 把。。。与。。。结合起来
例句:The two countries combined against their enemy.

⑺ impress  v.  给。。。极深的印象
考点:impress on/upon 使铭记,在。。。盖印
      impress with 使对。。。留有深刻的印象
例句:He impressed his initials on the box..

⑻ argue  v. 争论,争辩
考点:argue about/on/over 辩论/争论某事
argue against 反驳;证明。。。是站不住脚的
argue for 赞成;为。。。而力争
例句:We found them arguing in the other room.

⑴ run over  辗过,溢出
run over是个多义词组,run over sth. 还有‘温习,复习某事物’的意思。例如:
The milk is running over.
Yesterday I saw a car running over that little girl.

⑵ apart from  远离,除。。。之外
美语常用形式为aside from.例如:
Apart from this problem , can you find others?

⑶ without doubt 毫无疑问地,确实地
同义词组还有beyond all doubt, out of question, 在句子中的位置较为自由。例如:
Without doubt she has the right to refuse that demand.

⑷ on a par with  与。。。同等重要
后面通常接 sb./sth. 指‘与某人/某物同样水平,一样重要’。例如:
As an actor he is on a par with the famous artists.


⑴ The streets are cobbled and you can walk along them without worrying about getting run over

讲解:getting run over这里用的是被动语态,getting 相当于being, worry about doing sth. 指‘担心/害怕做某事’without 是介词,后面接动名词/名词。例如:
Without finishing your homework , you can’t watch TV.

⑵ Then go all the way down to the end of the road till you come to the roundabout, and turn left.

讲解:go down 是个多义词组指‘下来、下沉、传下去’等,这里go down to 指‘延续致,走到’。Till 相当于until, 这里是连词指‘直到。。。为止’。例如:
Please wait for me till I come.

⑶ As he got into the taxi, he saw the two men arguing and pointing in different directions.

讲解:as 这里是连词,指‘当。。。时候’,see sb. doing sth. 指‘看见某人正做某事’,point指‘指向’,其常用词组为on the point of doing sth. 指‘正要做某事的时候’。例如:
I am on the point of going out when it rains.



⑴ 不定冠词的位置


①位于such, what, many, half 等形容词之后。例如:
Many a man is fit for the job.

②当名词前的形容词被副词as , so ,too, how, however, enough 修饰时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后。例如:
It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent.

③quite, rather 与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后。但当rather, quite前仍有形容词时,不定冠词放在其前后均可。例如:
rather a cold day/ a rather cold day

④ 在as, though 引导的让步状语从句中,当表语为形容词修饰的名词时,不定冠词放在形容词后。例如:
Brave a man though he is , he trembles at the sight of snakes.

⑵ 定冠词的位置

定冠词通常位于名词或名词修饰语前,但当句中有all, both, double, half, twice, three, times等词或短语时,定冠词放在这些词后,名词之前。例如:
All the students in the class went out.






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