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  第一部分 听力1~20略




  21. -Why didn' t you answer the phone this afternoon?
  -We didn' t hear it. I was in the garden and Mum __________ a shower.
  [ A ] has had [ B ] had
  [ C ] had been having [ D ] was having

  22. Laura had a good reason __________ to class yesterday.
  [ A ] for not going [ B ] to not go
  [ C ] for going not [ D ] to go not

  23. The further away you go out from the city, __________ are the scenes.
  [ A ] the much attractive [ B ] the attractive
  [ C ] the most attractive [ D ] the more attractive

  24. We don't have much time __________ ; I will end my lecture in minute.
  [ A ] remained [ B ] left
  [ C ] kept [ D ] found

  25. -Where is my blue shirt?
  -It' s in the washing machine. You have to wear __________ different shirt.
  [ A ] any [ B ] other
  [ C ] a [ D ] the

  26. You look tired; you __________ have stayed up late last night.
  [ A ] must [ B ] should
  [ C ] would [ D ] may

  27. I don' t think you two know each other, __________ ?
  [ A ] do you [ B ] don' t you
  [ C ]do I [ D ] don't I

  28. People in this town __________ of a possible storm, and they' re preparing for it.
  [ A ] would be warned [ B ] will be warned
  [ C ] had been warned [ D ] have been warned

  29. David had been there for nearly an hour. He didn' t know __________ to wait or go home.
  [ A ] if [ B ] neither
  [ C ] whether [ D ] either

  30. What' s done is done. It' s no use __________ anyone for it.
  [ A ] blaming [ B ] blame
  [ C ] to blame [ D ] to be blaming

  31. Customers are found to be more satisfied __________ the quality of the goods than their
  [ A ] about [ B ] at
  [ C ] by [ D ] with

  32. -What textbooks shall we use for the Japanese students?
  -That is another question __________ we' ll discuss later.
  [ A ] what [ B ] about which
  [ C ] on that [ D ] which

  33. Since the middle of this century __________ has been learned about space than in all human history before that time.
  [ A ] more [ B ] much
  [ C ] better [ D ] a lot

  34. After recovering from his illness, he was very anxious to __________ his work.
  [ A ] get down [ B ] get through
  [ C ] get back to [ D ] get along with

  35. I checked all my answers __________ my teacher had suggested.
  [ A ] as to [ B ] as
  [ C ] that [ D ] such

  第二节 完形填空


  " $ 160 for a parking ticket! I' m calling city hall about this. There must be some mistake."Nick thought 36 "Yes, sir, there is a mistake," said the man at the city hall, " 37 I'm afraid the mitake' s 38 This ticket was for $ 20. However, the fine doubles every thirty days. It has been 90 days, so the 39 is now $ 160. You will have to pay that. " Nick had the $ 20 and he 40 to pay the fine. But for some reason the ticket had gotten 41 in his pile of papers and unopened letters.

  Nick has always been a 42 person. In the past six months, he had 43 to pay his elec- tricity bill, 44 his jacket at the cleaner' s too 45 and had to pay for the "storage(保管) ".A job application (申请) form he had filled out was never 46 because it, too, was in one of his piles. "Get organized, man,"his brother advised. "Plan what you 47 do, do it, and then 48 to be sure you' ve done it right. "

  Nick got a calendar ( 日历) with enough 49 to write on. He marked important 50 and times as reminders. "Nice job, "said his brother. "Now 51 you do what you' re supposed to do 52 you' re supposed to. " "That shouldn' t be too 53 with my calendar here, "said Nick. "And read the small print on it 54 you get a ticket," added his brother. "Or 55
  still, don't get another. "

  36. [ A ] happily [ B ] angrily [ C ] disappointedly [ D ] excitedly

  37. [ A ] so [ B ] luckily [ C ] honestly [ D ] but

  38. [ A ] mine [ B ] yours [ C ] ours [ D ] theirs

  39. [ A ] number [ B ] pay [ C ] cost [ D ] total

  40. [ A ] forgot [ B ] meant [ C ] refused [ D ] remembered

  41. [ A ] missed [ B ] covered [ C ] mixed [ D ] buried

  42. [ A ] patient [ B ] careless [ C ] wasteful [ D ] tough

  43. [ A ] forgotten [ B ] required [ C ] regretted [ D ] considered

  44. [ A ] left [ B ] sent [ C ] bought [ D ] washed

  45. [ A ] long [ B ] late [ C ] often [ D ] early

  46. [ A ] mailed [ B ]recorded [ C ] taken [ D ] received

  47. [ A ] have to [ B ] used to [ C ] would [ D ] could

  48. [ A ] see [ B ] check [ C ] examine [ D ] make

  49. [ A ] area [ B ] square [ C ] place [ D ] space

  50. [ A ] accidents [ B ] events [ C ] dates [ D ] weeks

  51. [ A ] take care [ B ]believe in [ C ]watch out [ D ] make sure

  52. [ A ] where [ B ] since [ C ] when [ D ] that

  53. [ A ] late [ B ] bad [ C ] much [ D ] hard

  54. [ A ] as [ B ] next time [ C ] since [ D ] so long as

  55. [ A ] fairer [ B ] easier [ C ] better [ D ] happier



  It was 7 a.m. in Kyoto, Japan, and the taxi company had just called a second time to say they couldn' t find my house. Once again I spelt out directions even a blind person could follow, I glanced impatiently at my watch, and waited. Only two hours remained until my flight left and it was an hour-and-a-half trip to the airport.

  Outside, heavy rains were pouring down. My house was so far north in the city that buses pass only three times a day.

  The telephone rang again. "Terribly sorry," began the man at the taxi company. Then I rea-lized that the taxi company, flooded with calls, could only offer in-city runs. I had heard this happens when the weather gets bad. I shouted into the phone that I had a plane to catch and I would meet the taxi outside my house.

  Standing in the wind-driven rain, I looked up and down the road. No taxi. A car went by, driver and passenger staring at the crazy foreigner in the downpour. Finally a white car appeared and pulled to a stop. A young man threw open the door, waving for me to get in. Shaking with cold and anger, I climbed in.

  In the most polite Japanese, the man said he was called Mike, with whom I had spoken three times that morning. He had left his post in the office and raced here in his personal car. He apologized again, but did not explain why a taxi would not pick me up. Delivering me straight to the airport, he refused the 2000 yen I pressed into his hand.

  A few hours later, as the storm-delayed 727 took off, I opened the newspaper. On the second page my eyes caught the headline of a short article:" Taxi Strike Begins This Morning in Kyoto."

  56. Why did the writer call a taxi early in the morning?
  [ A ] There were few taxis in town.
  [ B ] He was unable to find the airport.
  [ C ] He wanted to catch a plane.
  [ D ] All the buses stopped because of the rain.

  57. What was the reason for the taxi company not being able to pick him up?
  [ A ] The taxi drivers refused to work.
  [ B ] The writer didn' t give the correct address.
  [ C ] More people were riding in taxis on rainy days.
  [ D ] The taxi drivers didn' t like to drive long distance.

  58. The writer got to the airport .
  [ A ] by getting a lift in a passing car
  [ B ] with the help of Mike from the post office
  [ C ] by riding in Mike' s car from the taxi company
  [ D ] with the help of a taxi driver sent by his company

  59. We can learn from the text that the driver is .
  [ A ] quick-minded at taking actions
  [ B ] warm-hearted toward people
  [ C ] unfamiliar with the road
  [ D ] a self-employed driver

  She once said:"When people ask me if writing has been a hard or easy road I always answer with the famous saying, "the end is nothing; the road is all. ' That is what I mean when I say writing has been a pleasure. I have never faced the type-writer(打字机) with the thought that one more task had to be done. "

  Like most writers, Willa Cather did not write books for the money that they brought her, but rather for the pleasure that came in their writing. Her works were, like her, simple and full of the vigor( 活力 ) of her days in Nebraska, where she grew from childhood to young womanhood and where she developed a deep love for the treeless land of the Great Plains with its wild flowers, wheat fields and rivers.

  "It' s a rather strange thing about the flat country," she wrote later. "It takes hold of you, or it leaves you perfectly cold. A great many people find it very dull; they like a church tower, an old factory, a waterfall, country all made to look like a German, Christmas card... But when I come to the open plains, something happens. I'm home. I breathe differently. "

  60. Willa Cather wrote because she found writing .
  [ A ] simple and lively
  [ B ] interesting and enjoyable
  [ C ] neither too hard nor too easy
  [ D ]opened up a road to, success

  61. What did Cather mean by "the end is nothing ;the road is all"?
  [ A ] Writing is the only path to successs.
  [ B ] I feel happy when I finish writing a book.
  [ C ] I enjoy writing whether it is hard or easy.
  [ D ] Writing itself, not its result, is important.

  62. What was the place like where Cather grew up?
  [ A ] It was cold, plain and without a church.
  [ B ] It was a colorful world of wild flowers.
  [ C ] It was like a German Christmas card
  [ D ] It was vast, open, flat and wild.

  63. When she said "It takes hold of you, or it leaves you perfertly cold", Willa Gather meant .
  [ A ] you either love the place or hate it
  [ B ] you decide either to stay or to leave
  [ C ] some find the place warm; others find it cold
  [ D ] some find the place peaceful; others find it wild
  64. What happens when Cather comes to the open plains?

  [ A ] She breathes differently from others:
  [ B ] She wants to make the place her home.
  [ C ] She finds the place similar to her home.
  [ D ] She feels completely comfortable.

  You want to know where the safest place for young children is in the car ? Experts .(老师), all say the back seat is the safest place , for a child of any age. In the back seat, the child is farthest away from the force or effect of a head-on collision (迎头撞击), which can cause the most injuries(伤害). Just as important , the child in the back seat is. removed from the passenger air bag, if there is any. If your child is under8 years of age and weighs no more, than 80 pounds, it is necessary to fit your car with a special child safety seat.

  The child safety seat comes in three types or sizes: the first type is designed for babies from birth to one year of age, until the baby weighs about 20 pounds; the second size is for children between one and four years of age, who weigh between 20 and 40 pounds; the third, kind is used by older children big enough to use the car' s belt system. Moreover, .all these safety seats must be fitted and held in place on the car' s back seat. If your child does need your attention while .you are driving, don' t look back with only one hand on the wheel. Just pull over.

  65. This text mainly discusses .
  [ A ] how a child can be kept safe while riding in a car
  [ B ] why the back seat is the safest place in a car
  [ C ] how a child safety seat can protect a child
  [ D ] what causes passengers the most injuries

  66. This text seems to be written for .
  [ A ] safety experts
  [ B ] very young readers
  [ C ] parents of small children
  [ D ] taxi drivers

  67. The third type of safety seat is for children .
  [ A ] above eight years of age
  [ B ] between four and eight
  [ C ] weighing between 20 and 40 pounds
  [ D ] weighing more than 80 pounds

  Many people are worded about what television has done to the generation of American  children who have grown up watching it. For one thing, recent studies show that TV weakens the ability to imagine. Some teachers feel that television has taken away the child' s ability to form mental pictures in his own mind, resulting in children who cannot understand a simple story without pictures. Secondly, too much TV too early usually causes children to be removed from real-life experences. Thus, they grow up to be passive (被动的) watchers who can only respond (反应) to action, but not start doing something actively. The third area for such a worrying situation is the serious dissatisfaction frequently expressed by school teachers that children show a low patience for the pains in learning. Because they have been usedt0 seeing results of all problems in 30 or 60 minutes on TV, they are quickly discouraged by any activity that promises less than. immediate satisfaction.But perhaps the most serious result is the TV effect of bloody fights and death on children, who have come to believe that it is an everyday thing. Not only does this increase their admission of terrible acts on others, but some children will follow anti-social (反社会的) acts that they see on televison.

  68. Because of TV, children have lost their ability to_______.
  [ A ] have ideas of new things
  [ B ] understand pictures in books
  [ C ] read story books
  [ D ] think in a clear way

  69. What do school teachers worry about?
  [ A ] Children suffer from mental pains.
  [ B ] Children are weak at facing diffculties.
  [ C ] Children become uninterested in class activities.
  [ D ] Children spend little time learning unknown things.

  70. When children see terrible killing on TV, they _______.
  [ A ] are frightened
  [ B ] think it' s real
  [ C ] become annoyed
  [ D ] feel satisfied

  71. The main purpose of the text is to tell people_______.
  [ A ] how to prevent children from watching TV
  [ B ] how children like frightening TV prograrmnes
  [ C ] What bad effects TV programme have on children
  [ D ] what teachers think of today' s children

  72. The main purpose of this leaflet is to_______.
  [ A ] give information to people who are planning to buy cars
  [ B ] discuss the major causes of pollution problems in Boston
  [ C ] give suggestions to people suffering from pollution-related diseases
  [ D ] persuade people to use public transportation instead of their own cars

  73. How much percent of the land in downtown Boston is taken , up by streets, garages and_______
  [A] 30%. [B] 50%.
  [C] 80%. [D] 89%.

  74. We may infer from the leaflet that_______.
  [ A ] loud noises can make people lose their hearing
  [ B ] many people in Boston can. only afford cheaper cars
  [ C ] poullution by cars costs $ 2 000 per person per year in Boston
  [ D ] people in Boston don' t have gardens because of the need for garages

  75. According to the leaflet, better public transportation is very effective in reducing pollution because_______.
  [ A ] the city will have more money to deal with pollution problems
  [ B ] buses and trains do not produce dangerous gas
  [ C ] there will be more places for trees and grass
  [ D ] fewer people will drive their own cars

  第四部分 写 作




  With the development of computer technology, Internet has become 76.____
  more and more popular. All students regard it as a great helper~ Since there 77.____
  is a lot of information on line, you can surf the Internet for any information 78.____
  you need it in a short time without working hard in the library. It is also 79.____
  very convenient to communicate to others by using the Internet. However, 80.____
  others students think that there is some information on line that is not good 81.____
  for the students. In addition, spending too much time play games on line 82.____
  not only has a bad effect on study but also makes harm to our health. 83.____
  Therefore, we should make a proper use of the Internet. And it is of great 84.____
  importance for us to separate(分离) good plants into wild weeds. 85.____

  第二节 书面表达

  86.假设你是李明,有位英国教授Peter Jenkins将来访问你的实验室.因有会议,你无法去机场迎接.特请实验室的留学生Jack去迎接.请根据以下要点给Jack写一个便条.


  2. 请直接将书面表达写在答题卡背面。




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