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摘要 小编分享工商管理硕士MBA英语词汇复习,希望能给您提供帮助,祝大家考试成功!

  词汇 词汇亮剑

  77、hold out 抵抗,顶住压力 = resist hold out against the attacks

  hold back 阻止,抑制

  hold back sb. from doing

  prevent ,stop, keep, hinder, restrain , inhibit , prohibit + sb. from doing 禁止某人做某事

  hold down 压低

  hold the price down

  hold over 拖延(被动)

  put off / postpone

  78、confront danger and death 面对

  be confronted with = confront

  desert 抛弃 = abandon

  desert one’s post 擅离职守

  abandon one’s career 转行

  79、come across 偶遇= run into = run across

  come up against 意外遇到(坏事)

  come up 意外出现,出版 turn up 意料之中遇到

  come up with 提出 bring up sth. 提出

  come about 发生(how)

  do with 处理 (what )

  cope with 解决 = solve

  come out 1、结果是 It came out that ……

  outcome 结果

  turn out 结果是

  80、exhausted 筋疲力尽的

  tired / sleepy

  engaged srh. 被占据的,占用的 The line is engaged. get sb. through 为某人接通电话

  sb. 已经订婚了 Mary is engaged.

  propose 求婚 proposal n.

  ignorant 无知的,愚昧的 be ignorant of sth.

  I’m ignorant of your presence.

  ignore v. 忽视,不理睬 neglect one’s duties 玩忽职守

  overlook 忽视

  energetic 精力充沛的 = vigorous = robust

  81、be able to

  be capable of doing

  be competent to do 能胜任的

  be qualified for sth. 有资格做……

  82、make up for 弥补

  make up 占比例 = account for

  make out 理解 = figure out 算出,搞明白

  utter 说出,发出

  reason v. 推理

  83、disgrace 耻辱

  84、I eel it my duty to do ……

  the other 两者中的后者

  one another 另一个 the third

  others (other people)

  the others = the rest 其余的全部

  every other 每隔一个

  honor n. 荣誉 v. 兑现

  honor the cheque 兑现支票

  one’s promise

  the agreement

  dishonor 不兑现

  86、be present at the meeting

  be absent from the meeting

  87、 shrug one’s shoulders 耸肩

  88、ambition 抱负

  attain one’s ambition

  achieve one’s goal

  89、insurance policy 保险单

  90、partial 偏向

  impartial 公正的,不偏不倚的

  be liable to 倾向于 ,应受罚的

  People who spit are liable to a fine.

  liability 责任(出事后应承担的法律责任) obligation 义务

  admit the liability fulfill one’s obligation

  91、 make for 走向,有利于、促成= contribute to

  set out for 出发去……

  92、go back on one’s words 食言,违背

  violate 违背 the regulation

  93、costly 昂贵的

  mean adj. 吝啬的,小气的

  94、confront 面对

  95、chase 追逐,追赶

  pursue 追求(抽象意义上的) pursue one’s studies / career / fame / knowledge

  patrol 巡逻 be on patrol

  96、board up 关门,上板子

  in case of +名词 以防万一

  in case + 句子

  in the case of 就……而言

  as for as far as

  for all + 名词 = despite

  once for all 一劳永逸的

  in any case 无论如何 by all means

  by no means 绝不

  97、be bored with 对……很厌倦

  和with 搭配的形容词: be popular with be with





  familiar + 物 be familiar to + 人

  和 of 搭配的形容词: be independent of

  jealous 嫉妒



  sick 厌恶


  和 at be clear at = be good at = be excellent in =

  be keen on = be crazy about

  和 of 搭配的形容词: be similar to


  98、would rather do than do

  prefer A to B

  prefer doing to doing

  prefer to do rather than do

  99、guarantee to do sth.

  a year’s guarantee

  warranty under the warranty

  be obliged to do 被迫或有义务做某事


  100、do away with 废除,去掉 abolish

  eliminate = get rid of 出去

  do up 修缮

  do with 处理 (what) What shall we do with it ?

  想要 = feel like doing 与情态动词连用 I could do with a cup of tea.

  容忍 用于否定句 = put up with

  do without 没……也行 I can’t do without you.

  go without 忍受没有……

  101、boast of / about 吹嘘……

  consist of / dispose of 处理掉

  propose 建议

  102、out of the way 离正途的

  get down to business 开始认真办事

  one’s work

  set about doing 开始着手做某事

  set out to do 动身出发,开始做事

  on sth.

  get by 勉强过关 I hope to get by in the exam.

  How can we get by on such low wages?

  get through 通过,接通电话

  get along with 某事的进展 和某人相处

  get in the cops 收获,收割

  103、part with 放弃,让出财产

  104、challenge sb. to sth.

  to do sth

  105、let sb down 让……失望

  let off 饶恕

  let out 泄露,发出声音

  let alone 更不必说

  lay down 制定出,拟定出 lay down a plan

  work out draw up 草拟 a contract

  106、embezzle 挪用,贪污

  tout 兜售

  sack 解雇,麻袋

  sublet 转租,分租

  honor 兑现

  107、on purpose 故意的

  by accident 意外的

  in vain 徒劳的

  beyond / out of question

  out of the question 不可能的

  once for all 一劳永逸的

  once in a while 偶尔

  for all = in spite of

  as for 至于

  as far as = in the case of

  108、ring 犯罪团伙 a drug ring

  confess 供认,招供

  prosecution 起诉 prosecute sb for sth

  accuse of

  change with

  immune to sth 对……有免疫力 the disease

  from 免除…… taxes

  109、consign 寄售,委托

  order sth. on

  cut across 绕近道穿行

  110、refute 驳倒 one’s opponent

  retort ,argue

  111、be enthusiastic about

  feasible 可行的,行的通的

  be feasible to do sth.

  112、synthetic 人工的,合成的 material

  raw material 原材料

  crude oil 原油

  natural resources 自然资源

  artificial leather 人造革

  genuine 真正的 fake 假的 fake commodities

  counterfeit 伪造的


  distinct 明显的,清楚的 obvious evident apparent transparent

  113、notorious 臭名昭著的 be notorious for

  114、dump 倾销

  discharge 允许离开

  discard 抛弃

  115、be absorbed on sth 集中精力于某事

  desperate 绝望的,孤注一掷的 a desperate criminal

  a notorious criminal

  116、draw on 利用,动用

  put aside 保留

  set aside 不理睬

  write off one’s debt 将债务一笔勾销

  pay off 还清 clear off

  wear out 穿破了,穿旧了 be worn out

  run out of 耗完了

  sell out

  117、fall through (计划)失败或落空 the plan / scheme fall through

  pass away 逝世

  pass out 晕倒

  get by 勉强过关

  give away 泄露 = let out = reveal

  118、by a __absolute /overall /large / slender___ majority

  slender 微弱的,苗条的

  120、widen the scope 拓宽范围

  broaden 拓宽 one’s horizons 开阔眼界

  121、by and large = in general 总的来说

  by and by 不久

  by all means 无论如何

  123、rewarding = worthwhile 值得做

  124、feel like 想要 + doing

  do with (could)

  can’t help 情不自禁 can’t stand 无法容忍

  126、expire 终止,到期

  inspire 给某人灵感,鼓励,鼓舞

  inspiration n. 鼓励,灵感

  extend extensive 延伸 expand expansion 膨胀

  intend intensive

  renew 重新办理手续 renew a contract

  127、imaginary 虚构的

  imaginative 想象力丰富的

  128、verify the detail 核实、证实细节

  confirm 核实 confirm one’s reservation

  conform 遵守 conform to the local customs

  confine 限制 confine sb to

  tout for business 拉生意

  129、impose sth on sb. 将某事强加给某人

  His family imposed a heavy burden on his liafe.

  130、acute 敏锐的,剧烈的,急性的

  chronic 慢性的

  dull 1、钝的 2、笨的 3、乏味的

  133、let go of the rope

  135、add up to very little

  137、interact with each other 相互作用

  transact 交易 transaction

  138、retreat 撤退

  recede recession 不景气 depression 经济萧条

  sluggish 萧条的

  139、in despair 在绝望中

  commit suicide in despair

  141、beyond all recognition 认不出来

  out of

  beyond question 毫无疑问

  belief 难以置信

  compare 无与伦比


  dispute 无可争议

  recall 想不起来

  142、surpass 超越 surpass one’s understanding


  144、submit 呈交,屈服

  sublet 分租

  substitute A for B 替代

  replace B with A

  145、scenery / view 风景,景色

  146、summary 总结,概要

  abstract 摘要,抽象的

  concrete 具体的,混凝土

  cement 水泥

  outline 提纲

  resume 简历

  subject sb to sth 是某人遭受 be subjected to 遭受到

  structure 组织,安排 = organize

  reason 推理

  air 晾晒

  water 浇水

  milk 挤奶

  parent 养育 parent a baby

  supply sb with sth

  offer sb sth offer 开价,提供


  147、take notice of = pay attention to

  148、be involved in 涉及……, 参加……

  be deeply involved in debt

  149、condemn 谴责,宣判

  reproach谴责 sentence sb to death convict sb of sth 宣判

  150、option 选择 optional course 选修课

  resort to 诉诸 resort to war / law / force

  end up in failure 以失败告终

  He wound up in prison.


  151、surrender 投降,放弃,交出

  surrender one’s rights

  sweep 清扫

  152、soar 剧增,猛涨

  153、 move 行动,行为,走棋

  lose a move to sth

  smart 漂亮的(穿着时髦的),聪明的

  wise clever intelligent

  fashionable You look so smart today !

  pretty cute elegant an elegant lady

  sorry-looking = ugly

  ordinary 平庸的,平凡的

  decent 得体的,体面的,有品质的 live a decent life

  154、entitle 给……权利

  be entitled to sth. 有……权利做某事

  to do sth

  155、regret to do 遗憾做……

  doing 后悔做……

  I regret to tell you that

  I regret not having studied hard in high school .

  156、take sth apart 拆卸

  set aside 不理睬,不理会

  157、reluctant 勉强的,不愿意

  be reluctant to do

  158、live on 考……为生

  live on one’s pension / dole 靠救济为生

  live off

  159、in time 迟早,及时

  in a row 排

  in a queue 队 jump queue

  160、conserve 保守 conservative 保守的

  confidential 保密的

  161、somehow 不知怎么的

  somewhat 稍微,有点

  manage to do 成功做某事

  succeed in doing

  appear to do 显得……

  happen to do 碰巧做……

  afford to do I can’t afford to waste a single minute .

  162、lay down a plan

  draw up a contract

  163、set back 阻碍

  hold back

  164、be in perfect condition


  a crucial movement


  a decisive victory

  165、shake off 摆脱

  ring off 挂断电话

  hang up

  hold on 不要挂

  hang on

  get sb through

  166、go on a business trip

  have sth / sb done 让某人做某事 I’ll have the door painted.

  承受者 the radio repaired.

  have sb do I’ll have the boy mail you tomorrow.


  My father had my eyes examined by doctors.

  me examined

  We had the enemies surrounded.


  (1)without + 名词+ 助动词+ do

  + have done

  Without water, nothing would exist.

  (2)but for 要不是

  but for + 名词+助动词+ have done

  But for her help, I would have lost my way.

  (3)otherwise 否则 (前实后虚)

  I was too busy then , otherwise I would have gone to the party with you.

  (4) but (前虚后实)

  I would have gone to the party with you, but I was too busy then.



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