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幼儿教师资格面试说课指导:Do you like to eat

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摘要 幼儿教师资格面试说课指导:Do you like to eat

  点击查看: 2014年签约保过套餐   教师资格报名专题

  Do you like to eat?


  1.初步学习单词banana和orange,复习apple、pear的发音,复习歌曲good morning.

  2.初步感知sweet 和do you like to eat? 的含义。





  1.复习歌曲“good morning to you.”

  t: good morning, boys and girls. let’s sing the song “good morning to you”, ok?

  c: ok.


  t: look! i have a beautiful basket. there are some fruits in it! look, that’s…

  c: 香蕉

  t: yes, this is a banana.


  t:(尝一口)banana is sweet. follow me. banana is sweet. do you like to eat banana?

  c: yes.

  t: if you want to eat banana, let’s sing the song “i like banana.” ok?

  c: ok.

  t: ok, very good!


  monkey: mrs. gao, miss gao.

  t: let’s have a look, what’s coming?

  c: monkey.

  t: monkey, yes!

  m: i want to eat…(着急说不出来)

  t: oh, the little monkey wants to eat the banana, but she can’t speak english. Can you say it in english? let’s tell her together, ok? ok, what’s this?

  请幼儿一起说:this is a banana

  t: yes, monkey. banana, do you know?

  m: yes, i know.

  t: if you want to eat the banana, you’ll say it in english once more. i’ll give  it to you, ok?

  m: ok! i want to eat the banana.

  t: ok, here you are. bye.

  m: bye, thank you

  2013年教师资格(统考)全真预测试题   2013年教师资格老师预测押题卷

  中小学和幼儿园教师资格统考考试大纲  江西省教师资格两学考试老师预测卷

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  点击查看: 2014年签约保过套餐   教师资格报名专题

  t: you’re so great to help the monkey to solve the problem. now i’ll introduce a  good friend to you.

  qiqi (手偶琪琪): good morning children. today i bring you a kind of fruit, i’ll give  it to you, but i want to tell you it’s english name before i give it to you. but

  i can’t speak english.

  t: it doesn’t matter, now, i’ll teach you the word. then let’s teach qi qi  together, ok?

  c: ok.

  t: orange, orange, orange is sweet.

  what do you like? do you like to eat orange?

  please say it to your friends beside you.

  请小朋友之间相互说:“i like orange. this is an orange.

  t: now, do you know what this is? what’s this?

  c: orange.

  t: ok, let’s tell qiqi together. this is an orange.

  qi: i know i know. this is an orange. it’s for you.

  c: thank you, qi qi.

  qi: you are welcome

  t: let’s play a game, i’ll ask one of you to touch in my basket. then you’ll

  tell the other friends. what have you touched. ok?

  c: ok.

  t: what’s this?

  c: apple (orange, pear, banana).

  t: oh, the fruits are sweet. do you want to eat?

  c: yes.

  t: ok, let’s sing the song “i like fruits”, ok?

  c: ok.

  t: ok, before eating the fruit you must say: “i like…”, understand?

  c: yes.

  t: ok, come here.






  2013年教师资格(统考)全真预测试题   2013年教师资格老师预测押题卷

  中小学和幼儿园教师资格统考考试大纲  江西省教师资格两学考试老师预测卷

  中学教师资格考试笔试科目介绍《综合素质》  |  《教育知识与能力》

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